Sloan Fellowships Awarded to Two Faculty

Botong Wang MIhaela IfrimTwo University of Wisconsin–Madison professors, Mihaela Ifrim and Botong Wang, have been named to 2019 Sloan Research Fellowships — prestigious and competitive awards given to promising young researchers in the early stages of their careers.

“Sloan Research Fellows are the best young scientists working today,” says Adam F. Falk, president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. “Sloan Fellows stand out for their creativity, for their hard work, for the importance of the issues they tackle, and the energy and innovation with which they tackle them. To be a Sloan Fellow is to be in the vanguard of 21st century science.”

Ifrim’s research includes fluid mechanics, harmonic analysis, and nonlinear dispersive equations with an emphasis on water wave equations. Wang focuses on topology of algebraic varieties and its interaction with combinatorics and algebraic statistics. Both mathematicians earned doctorates in 2012 and joined the UW–Madison faculty in 2017.

Each fellow receives a two-year $70,000 fellowship from the foundation, which has awarded Sloan Research Fellowships in eight scientific and technical fields — chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, neuroscience, ocean sciences and physics — since 1955.
