Ellenberg’s new book “Shape” debuts, reviewed in NYT

Jordan EllenbergJordan Ellenberg’s new book, “Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else.”, was published recently and reviewed by the New York Times.  The review notes that Ellenberg is “rather spectacular” at analyzing the mathematic foundations of what we do, and how we think.  The reviewer, also noted that the non-mathematician would be able to follow and even delve into the geometric world that Ellenberg describes with a minimum of hesitation, as this is not an academic work, but a popular one with references ranging from the Conic Sections Rebellion at Yale in 1830 to Mrs. Whatsit from “A Wrinkle in Time”.  She notes “the math he presents is serious and demanding and — this is key — shaping the world around us, from our understanding of the spread of Covid-19 to gerrymandering.”   Congratulations, Jordan!

Link:  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/18/books/review-shape-geometry-jordan-ellenberg.html