Quanta recently featured an article on the settlement of the Langlands conjecture, and our own Dima Arinkin was one of the people involved in the proof. This problem, first presented by Robert Langlands, a professor …
Parvarthi Kooloth awarded AWM dissertation prize
Our recently-graduated PhD student Parvathi Kooloth has won one of the two AWM Dissertation Prizes, which will be presented at the JMM. Parvathi did her PhD under Leslie Smith’s supervision. Congratulations, Parvathi! *** The Association …
New AMS Award in Mathematical Writing Named for Martin Isaacs
A new AMS Prize for Excellence in Mathematical Writing is named after our esteemed Emeritus colleague Martin Isaacs. The prize is for a paper published in a primary AMS journal in the previous two years. …
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis dedicated to Husseini, Fadell
A special edition of the journal “Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis”, No 1 of volume 61, 2023, has been published and is dedicated to the memory of our deceased former faculty Ed Fadell and Sufian …
Stovall and Cai named 2023 AMS Fellows
Betsy Stovall and Jin-Yi Cai have been named as 2023 AMS Fellows. This program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics. Jin-Yi Cai has been …
Jordan Ellenberg wins 2023 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award
Jordan Ellenberg and Grant Sanderson will receive the 2023 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) Communications Award during a prize reception at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at …
Raymond Damadian, BS, 1956, inventor of the MRI scanner, dies at age 86.
Dr. Raymond Damadian, who built the first magnetic resonance imaging scanner, which revolutionized doctors’ ability to diagnose cancer and other illnesses — but who, to his dismay, saw the Nobel Prize for the science behind …
Sebastien Roch named Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Sebastien Roch has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). IMS is the main scientific society for probability and the mathematical end of statistics. Among its various activities, IMS publishes the Annals series of flagship journals of probability. Link: https://imstat.org/2022/04/22/2022-ims-fellows-announced/
Leslie Smith named as a 2022 American Mathematics Society Fellow
Congratulations to Leslie Smith, the newest member of our department to be named a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for 2021. She was named for contributions to applied mathematics and particularly fluid mechanics. The …
Ellenberg’s new book “Shape” debuts, reviewed in NYT
Jordan Ellenberg’s new book, “Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else.”, was published recently and reviewed by the New York Times. The review notes that Ellenberg is “rather spectacular” at …