Our former Van Vleck postdoc Donghyun Lee (currently, an associate professor in Postech) won a Hanwoomul Phagi Basic Research grant from the Korean Ministry of Science (the total amount of his award is about two …
José Rodriguez has won a Sloan Fellowship
José Rodriguez has been awarded a Sloan Fellowship, one of two awarded to UW-Madison faculty. These awards are given to early-career scholars who represent the most promising scientific researchers working today. Their achievements and potential …
Karan Srivastava and Boyana Martinova win Campus TA awards
Two of our TAs have won Campus TA awards. Karan Srivastava has won an Exceptional Service Award, and Boyana Martinova has won an Early Excellence Award. Both will be recognized by an awards ceremony on …
UW does well in Putnam Exam
The UW did well again in the 83rd Putnam math competition. Our team ranked 14th nationwide (plus Canada). Our student Haran Mouli ranked 25-100, Jonah Guse ranked 101-210. Additionally, Kyle Boone, Yangkun Dai, Tianlong Huang, Yuval …
Saverio Spagnolie named Vilas Associate
Professor Saverio Spagnolie has been named a Vilas Associate. The Vilas Associates Competition recognizes new and ongoing research of the highest quality and significance. Recipients are chosen competitively by the Divisional Research Committees of the …
Jose Rodriguez wins Distinguished Honors Faculty Award
Jose Rodriguez has won a Distinguished Honors Faculty Award. Each year, the L&S Honors Program solicits student nominations of faculty members (or instructional academic staff) who have had a special impact as instructors of Honors …
Ifrim, Seppäläinen and Wang awarded 2023 Simons Fellowships
We are pleased to congratulate Mihaela Ifrim, Timo Seppäläinen and Botong Wang for being awarded 2023 Simons Fellowships. The Simons Fellows program extends academic leaves from one term to a full year, enabling recipients to focus solely …
Mihaela Ifrim Awarded Visiting Miller Professorship
Mihaela Ifrim has been awarded a Visiting Miller Professorship at the Miller Institute, housed at UC-Berkeley. The purpose of the Visiting Miller Professorship is to bring promising or eminent scientists to the Berkeley campus on …
Rajula Srivastava (Ph.D., 2022) awarded 2023 AWM Dissertation Prize
Stovall and Cai named 2023 AMS Fellows
Betsy Stovall and Jin-Yi Cai have been named as 2023 AMS Fellows. This program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics. Jin-Yi Cai has been …