Jordan Ellenberg was recently published in an article in Nature. He collaborated with a group of researchers working with Google Deepmind to train artificial intelligence (AI) to better evaluate responses. This is intended to better …
Graduate Students
Parvarthi Kooloth awarded AWM dissertation prize
Our recently-graduated PhD student Parvathi Kooloth has won one of the two AWM Dissertation Prizes, which will be presented at the JMM. Parvathi did her PhD under Leslie Smith’s supervision. Congratulations, Parvathi! *** The Association …
Karan Srivastava and Boyana Martinova win Campus TA awards
Two of our TAs have won Campus TA awards. Karan Srivastava has won an Exceptional Service Award, and Boyana Martinova has won an Early Excellence Award. Both will be recognized by an awards ceremony on …
Math graduate student John Cobb and artist Abra Schlub win Delta Beer Lab design contest
Catalysts for Science Policy collaborated with local Madison brewery, Delta Beer Lab, to feature art inspired by active research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on their 2021 spring New England IPA label. Math graduate student …
Jenny Yeon Wins Continuity of Instruction Award
Jenny Yeon, TA in the Math Department, has won a Continuity of Instruction Award for her efforts to support instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jenny served as a Head TA in Math 221 in Spring …
Video Produced for Graduate Student Visitors Day 3/23
Here’s a link to a departmental video made for our Virtual Visitors day (3/23) for potential graduate students.
Cui-Dowling, Xin
Is a District Gerrymandered or Not?
Lorenzo Najt studies algorithms that can build a large group of maps for a state, predict their outcomes, then compare those to the map that legislators selected. He works with UW–Madison mathematics professor Jordan Ellenberg as …
Polly Yu and Geoff Bentsen honored for teaching
Congratulations Polly Yu, our distinguished graduate student, for being selected to be a teaching fellow of L&S! Congratulations to Geoff Bentsen for being a runner-up to this award! Fellowship in the Teaching Academy is an …
Support plus drive equals success
A supportive environment helped a group of female graduate students in mathematics reach lofty goals. Already a leader in the number of women hired as faculty members, the department hopes to continue improving the experience …