Agenda for 09142023 department meeting
File: 09142023department_meeting.pdfAgenda for 09142023 department meeting
File: 09142023department_meeting.pdfThis is the public portion of the Departmental and Executive Meeting Agendas on 9/15/2022
File: Sept2022ExcMeetingAgenda-Public-Copy.docxCombined open portions of Department and Executive Meeting Agendas for 11092023
File: Executive-Committee-Meeting-11-09-Agenda-2.pdfThis is the public facing department meeting agenda for 11092023.
File: Department-Meeting-11-09-Agenda.pdfThis is the 2020-2021 Math Department Newsletter
File: Math_News_Summer_2021_WEB.pdf2021-2022 Departmental/Executive Meeting Schedule
File: 2021-22-Dept-EC-Meeting-Dates.pdfThis is the department meeting schedule as of 07/12/2021.
File: 20212022departmentmeetingschedule.pdfthis is the 08012022 version of the committees assignments.
File: 2022-2023-committees.pdfthis is the 07252022 version of the Exec and Dept. Meetings schedule.
File: 2022-23-Dept-EC-Meeting-Dates.docxthis is the PDF verison of the 2022-23 Exec and Dept Meetings 07252022 version
File: 2022-2023-Exec-and-Department-Meetings-07252022-1.pdf