2024 |
Chen, Di |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Counting rational points on weighted projective hypersurfaces |
2024 |
Li, Nianzi |
0 |
Chen, Gao |
Asymptotic geometry of the moduli space of irregular Higgs bundles |
2024 |
Howells, Aidan |
0 |
Anderson |
Stochastic reaction networks within interacting compartments |
2024 |
Kim, Hyun Jong |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Cohen-lenstra heuristics and vanishing of zeta functions for superelliptic curves over finite fields |
2024 |
Eastham, Rebecca |
1 |
Kent |
Separable homology of graphs and the whitehead complex |
2024 |
Wu, Yandi |
1 |
Dymarz, Uyanik |
Rigidity Phenomena of Surface Amalgams |
2024 |
Yin, John |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Arithmetic Statistics: Rational Points and p-adic Densities |
2024 |
Han, Yuxi |
1 |
Tran, H. |
Quantitative analysis of periodic homogenization and solutions to Hamilton--Jacobi equations with state constraints |
2024 |
Chen, Shi |
0 |
Li, Q. |
Multiscale Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Wave-Type PDEs and Their Inverse Problems |
2024 |
Jiang, Ruofan |
0 |
Shankar |
mod p Mumford--Tate and André--Oort conjectures. |
2024 |
Xu, Jiaming |
0 |
Valko |
Additions and scaling limits of invariant random matrix ensembles |
2024 |
Simpson, Connor |
0 |
Wang |
Aspects of the geometry of polymatroids |
2024 |
Jang, Jiwoong |
0 |
Tran, H. |
Further properties of viscosity solutions to some fully nonlinear partial differential equations |
2024 |
Banks, Maya |
1 |
Erman |
Differential Modules in Commutative Algebra |
2024 |
He, Yunfan |
0 |
Caldararu |
Categorical Enumerative Invariants of Elliptic curves |
2024 |
Josiah Jacobsen-Grocot |
0 |
Soskova |
Structural and topological aspects of the enumeration and hyperenumeration degrees |
2024 |
Park, Sun Woo |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Arithmetic Statistics of Selmer groups of twist families of elliptic curves over global fields |
2024 |
Ruan, Chenwei |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Some results involving the positive part of the quantized enveloping algebra for affine $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ |
2024 |
Cobb, John |
0 |
Erman, Kemeny |
Syzygies, Toric Varieties, and Applications |
2024 |
Wang, Zinan |
0 |
Rodriguez |
Applied Algebra In Kinematics Of A Spatial Serial Robot
Applied Algebra In Kinematics Of A Spatial Serial Robot |
2023 |
Hof, Alexander |
0 |
Maxim |
Milnor fiber consistency via flatness |
2023 |
Nair, Anjali |
1 |
Qin Li |
PDE-constrained optimization problems in kinetic and wave-type equations |
2023 |
Zhang, Ashley |
1 |
Poltoratski |
Convergence problems for canonical Hamiltonian systems and the non-linear Fourier transform |
2023 |
Yu, Shuqi |
0 |
Roch |
Some inference problems on networks with applications |
2023 |
Huang, Tianhong |
0 |
Stechmann |
Numerical simulations of stochastic partial differential equations for extreme rainfall, large-scale circulations and climate change |
2023 |
He, Qiao |
0 |
T. Yang |
Kudla-Rapoport conjecture for Kramer models |
2023 |
Booms Peot, Caitlyn |
1 |
Erman |
Structures of Free and Virtual Resolutions |
2023 |
Torchinsky, Jason |
0 |
Stechmann |
Mitigating Model Error via Multi-Model Methods and hp-Adaptivity: Application to Atmospheric Science and Radiative Transfer |
2023 |
Sun, Yu |
0 |
Roch |
Theoretical Guarantees for Species Tree and Network Reconstruction from Internode Distance |
2023 |
Gothandaraman, Asvin |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Unlikely intersections on Shimura varieties |
2023 |
Jesurum, Michael |
0 |
Stovall |
Fourier Restriction to Curves and Related Operators |
2023 |
Li, Jianhui |
0 |
Stovall |
Decoupling and restriction inequalities for smooth compact surfaces in three dimensions |
2023 |
Sorenson, Evan |
0 |
Seppalainen |
Universality of coupled invariant measures for the KPZ class |
2023 |
Zhang, Lingxiao |
1 |
Street |
Real analytic multi-parameter singular Radon transforms: Necessity of the Stein-Street condition |
2023 |
Fu, Yu |
1 |
Ellenberg |
2023 |
Jo, Changhun |
0 |
Roch/Lee (ECE) |
2023 |
Covington, Jeffrey |
0 |
Chen, N. |
Statistical methods for high-dimensional turbulent systems with applications |
2023 |
Crowley, Colin |
0 |
Wang |
2023 |
Hardt, Will |
0 |
Ellenberg |
2023 |
Lough, Wilson |
0 |
Spagnolie |
Biophysical applications of Lie groups and moving frames |
2022 |
Branman, Beth |
1 |
Kent |
Spaces of Pants Decompositions for Surfaces of Infinite Type |
2022 |
Chen, Hongfei |
1 |
Thiffeault |
Microswimmers in confinement |
2022 |
Chen, Hongxu |
0 |
Kim, C., Qin Li |
PDE study of non-equilibrium in kinetic theory |
2022 |
Ding, Zhiyan |
0 |
Qin Li |
Interacting particles and mean-field analysis — Bayesian sampling and overparameterized neural network |
2022 |
Oakley, Bryan |
0 |
Thiffeault |
Fluid Mixing Mechanisms |
2022 |
Oh, Changkeun |
0 |
Guo,S. |
Decoupling inequalities for quadratic forms |
2022 |
Park, Jaeun |
1 |
Denisov |
The Two-Dimensional Incompressible Euler Equation on An |
2022 |
Srivastava, Rajula |
1 |
Seeger |
Maximal Functions, Wavelets and Multipliers: Selected Topics in Harmonic Analysis |
2022 |
Yao, Liding |
0 |
Street |
Holder Regularity on Rough Real and Complex Frobenius Theorems |
2022 |
Enkhzaya |
0 |
Cochran |
Reinforcement Learning in Human Decision-Making |
2022 |
Li, Yun |
0 |
Valko |
Operator level limits of β-ensembles |
2022 |
Madathil Kooloth, Pavarthi |
1 |
Smith |
2022 |
Tu, Son |
0 |
Tran, H. |
Some asymptotic problems on the theory of viscosity solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations |
2022 |
Fan, Zhiwei |
2022 |
Fang, Yihang |
2021 |
Alexis, Michel |
0 |
Denisov |
The Steklov Problem for Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and Krein systems |
2021 |
Bentsen, Geoffrey |
0 |
Seeger |
Regularity of Generalized Radon Transforms with One-Sided Fold Singularities |
2021 |
Bhojraj, Tejas |
0 |
Miller, J. |
Algorithmic randomness and Kolmogorov complexity for qubits |
2021 |
Bruce, Benjamin |
0 |
Stovall |
Topics in Fourier restriction theory |
2021 |
Cheng, Chiahui |
1 |
Caldararu |
Explicit Bound on Collective Strength of Regular Sequences of Three Homogeneous Polynomials. |
2021 |
Feng, Yu |
Thiffeault |
Stir the thin-films |
2021 |
Gan, Chun |
0 |
Gong |
Integral operators on strictly pseudoconvex or finite type domains and applications |
2021 |
Hou, Xiao |
Li, Qin |
Understanding and prediction of dynamical systems with machine learning |
2021 |
Huang, Shengyuan |
Caldararu |
Lie structures in algebraic geometry and its application in Hochschild cohomology |
2021 |
Jin, Jiaxin |
0 |
Craciun/C. Kim |
Applications in chemical reaction network and kinetic theory |
2021 |
Khan, Ilyas |
0 |
Angenent |
Rigidity for Self-Similar Solutions of Mean Curvature Flow |
2020 |
Legried, Brandon |
0 |
Roch |
Estimating parameters from Markov processes on trees |
2021 |
Li, Xiaocheng |
0 |
Marshall |
An estimate for spherical functions on SL(3,R) |
2021 |
Li, Yingda |
1 |
Chen, N. |
Data assimilation and forecasting for complex nonlinear systems with suitable approximate models |
2021 |
Lopez, Adrian Tovar |
0 |
Jog, V. |
Information-theoretic perspectives on generalization and robustness of neural networks. |
2021 |
Lu, Zheng |
Arinkin |
Isotropic spaces and torsion free sheaves on hyperelliptic curves |
2021 |
Najt, Lorenzo |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Ensemble analysis of political redistricting plans as a case study for combinatorial structures in statistical models: algorithmic lower bounds and phase transitions. |
2021 |
Nguyen, Tung |
0 |
Anderson, D. |
Biochemical reaction networks : network structures and dynamical properties |
2021 |
Parenti, Solly |
0 |
Yang, T. |
CM Fields, The Colmez Conjecture, and Theta Lifting |
2021 |
Shen, Xiao |
0 |
Seppalainen |
Geodesics in random growth models |
2021 |
Sotirov, Vladimir |
0 |
Arinkin |
A generalization of Deodhar's framework for questions in Kazhdan-Lusztig theory |
2021 |
Steinburg, Micky |
1 |
Dymarz |
Commensurability of certain amalgams of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups |
2021 |
Tung, Nguyen |
0 |
Anderson |
Biochemical Reaction Networks: Network Structures and Dynamical Properties |
2021 |
Wagner, David |
0 |
Caldararu |
Alternating homology of moduli of genus 1 curves |
2021 |
Wang, Niudun |
0 |
Ellenberg |
On the average of p-Selmer rank in quadratic twist families of elliptic curves over function field |
2021 |
Wright, Benjamin |
0 |
Kent |
Periodic Points of Ward Surfaces |
2021 |
Yeon, Jenny |
1 |
Craciun |
Network-Based Dynamical System Models: Visual Properties to Model Properties |
2021 |
Yu, Polly |
1 |
Craciun |
Algebra and Dynamics of Reaction Network Models |
2021 |
Zheng, Lu |
0 |
Arinkin |
Isotropic spaces and torsion free sheaves on hyperelliptic curves |
2020 |
Boggess, Brandon |
0 |
Ellenberg |
On the Number of Points of Small Height in Thin Sets and on Modular Curves |
2020 |
Bruce, Juliette |
1 |
Erman |
Asymptotic Syzygies in Algebraic Geometry |
2020 |
Cao, Yunbai |
Kim, C. |
The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system in bounded domains |
2020 |
Ding, Yida |
Craciun |
Mathematical Analysis of Low-Dimensional Reaction Network Systems |
2020 |
Goksel, Vefa |
0 |
Boston |
Post-critically finite polynomials in arithmetic dynamics |
2020 |
Hanson, James |
0 |
Andrews |
Definability and Categoricity in Continuous Logic |
2020 |
Hu, Bingyang |
Street |
Sparse bounds of singular Radon transforms |
2020 |
Huang, Hang |
Sam |
Equations and Syzygies of Some G-varieties |
2020 |
Laudone, Robert |
0 |
Sam, Erman |
Representation Stability and Combinatorial Approaches to Noetherianity up to Symmetry: Applications to 0-Hecke modules and Plucker-embedded Grassmannians |
2020 |
Li, Ying |
Stechmann |
Predictability of Multiscale Waves and Tropical Rainfall and the Impact of Averaging |
2020 |
Marsico, David |
0 |
Stechmann |
Atmospheric Dynamic with Moisture and Phase Changes |
2020 |
Mohamed, Liban |
0 |
Denisov |
Schrodinger Scattering: Perturbative Theory and Menchov-Rademacher Theorem Application |
2020 |
Newton, Kit |
1 |
Li, Qin |
Stability of diffuse optical tomography in the Bayesian framework |
2020 |
Ongay Valverde, Ivan |
0 |
Miller, J., Kunen |
Relations between Set Theory and Computability Theory: the case for localization numbers and sets closed under Turing equivalence |
2020 |
Sankar, Soumya |
1 |
Ellenberg |
Arithmetic Statistics of Algebraic Curves |
2020 |
Schwend, Jeremy |
0 |
Stovall |
Lebesgue Inequalities for Convolution with Surface Measure on Prototypical Hypersurfaces in Three Dimensions |
2020 |
Sergiou, Kyriakos |
0 |
Paul |
An analog of the Hilbert-Chow morphism for generalized discriminants, and the generalized Futaki Invariant of Ding-Tian. |
2020 |
Shi, Ziming |
Gong |
Oblique derivative problems on families of planar domains |
2020 |
Yuan, Chaojie |
Anderson |
Stochastic models for chemical reaction network |
2020 |
Zhang, Yeyu |
Smith, L. |
Fast-wave averaging with phase changes: Asymptotics and application to moist atmospheric dynamics |
2020 |
Zachariah, Rachel |
1 |
Shamgar |
Efficiently estimating a sparse delay-doppler channel |
2019 |
Chen, Ke |
0 |
Qin Li |
Inverse Problem of Diffuse Optical Tomography |
2019 |
Cocke, Will |
0 |
Boston |
Idle words: word maps on finite groups. |
2019 |
Edwards, Thomas |
0 |
Smith, Stechmann |
Atmospheric Water in the Saturated Precipitating Quasi-geostrophic Equations |
2019 |
Ehlert, Kurt |
0 |
Anderson |
Numerical methods for stochastic reaction network models |
2019 |
El Duque, Eva |
1 |
Maxim |
Alexander-type invariants of hypersurface complements. |
2019 |
Fang, Di |
1 |
Jin, Qin Li |
Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods for Non-adiabatic Quantum Dynamics and Biological Models |
2019 |
Geske, Christian |
0 |
Maxim |
Algebraic Intersection Spaces |
2019 |
Herradon, Moises |
1 |
Arinkin |
Discrete equations : their local information, Mellin transform and elliptic equations |
2019 |
Huang, Hang |
1 |
Sam |
Defining equations and syzygies of some G-varieties and their thickenings |
2019 |
Julian, Ryan |
0 |
Boston |
Postmodern Coding Theory |
2019 |
Kang, Dae Han |
0 |
Seppalainen |
Limiting Free Energy And Scaling Exponents For Directed Polymers With Inhomogeneous Parameters |
2019 |
Kim, Yeon Eung |
Hung Tran |
Constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equations and further applications via optimal control theory |
2019 |
Li, Mao |
0 |
Arinkin |
Construction of Poincare Sheaf on Stack of Rank 2 Higgs Bundles |
2019 |
Li, Wanlin |
1 |
Ellenberg |
Frobenius action on Jacobians of Curves over Finite Fields |
2019 |
Liu, Yuan |
1 |
Boston |
The realizability problem with prescribed inertia conditions |
2019 |
Lynch, John |
0 |
Thiffeault |
psuedo-Anosov Homeomorphisms with Large Topoligical Entropy |
2019 |
Mark, Ben |
0 |
Willett |
High-dimensional Network Estimation from Discrete Event Data |
2019 |
Morrell, Thomas |
0 |
Thiffeault, Spagnolie |
Mixing by swimming at intermediate Reynolds number |
2019 |
Powers, Michael |
0 |
Arinkin |
A Theory of Difference Modules in Algebraic Geometry |
2019 |
Zhu, Yuhua |
1 |
Qin Li |
Fokker Planck Equation with Uncertainty |
2018 |
Alberts, Brandon |
0 |
Boston |
Galois Cohomology and Number Field Counting |
2018 |
Brunner, James |
0 |
Craciun |
Polynomial Dynamical Systems and Interaction Networks |
2018 |
Chaumont, Hans |
0 |
Valko |
Some results on lattice directed polymer models |
2018 |
Cheng, Jingrui |
0 |
Feldman |
Some Study on Semigeostrophic equations and Related Models |
2018 |
Clement, Nathan |
0 |
Arinkin |
Isomorphisms between moduli of parabolic Higgs bundles |
2018 |
Gostelow, Keith |
0 |
Bolotin |
A Generalization of Shilnikovs Theorem |
2018 |
Han, Jiyuan |
Viaclovsky |
Deformation theory of Asymptotically Locally Euclidean Kahler surfaces |
2018 |
Hao, Jing |
1 |
Boston |
Quasi-quadratic residue codes and their applications |
2018 |
Hast, Daniel |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Rational points and unipotent fundamental groups |
2018 |
Johnston, Reese |
0 |
Lempp |
Computability in uncountable binary trees |
2018 |
Kim, Jinsu |
0 |
Anderson |
Stochastically modeled reaction networks: Existence of stationary distributions and mixing times. |
2018 |
Maguire, Megan |
1 |
M. Wood |
Computing cohomology of unordered configuration spaces of manifolds |
2018 |
Makaluni, Tamvana |
0 |
Andrews |
Complexity Classifications in Model Theory and Computable Structures |
2018 |
McCarthy, Ethan |
0 |
Miller, J. |
Some results and applications of computability theory |
2018 |
Morteza, Peyman |
0 |
Viaclovsky |
Gluing Construction of Einstein Manifolds |
2018 |
Noack, Christian |
0 |
Seppalainen |
Fluctuation exponents and exact solvability of 1+1 dimensional directed lattice polymers |
2018 |
Park, Bae Jun |
0 |
Seeger |
Classes of Linear operators in Triebel-Lizorkin spaces
Classes of Linear operators in Triebel-Lizorkin spaces |
2018 |
Shu, Ruiwen |
0 |
Jin, S. |
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for multiscale kinetic equations with random inputs |
2018 |
Wang, Jiuya |
1 |
Wood, M. |
Malle's conjecture for compositum of number fields |
2018 |
Yang, Jay |
0 |
Erman |
Random and probabilistic methods in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra |
2018 |
Ye, Dongxi |
Yang, T. |
Modular Forms, Borcherds Lifts and Gross--Zagier Type CM Value Formulas |
2017 |
Abbott, Carolyn |
1 |
Dymarz |
Acylindrical actions on hyperbolic spaces |
2017 |
Biswas, Chandan |
0 |
Stovall |
Sharp inequalities in harmonic analysis |
2017 |
Charles, Zachary |
0 |
Boston |
Algebraic and Geometric Structure in Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithms |
2017 |
Ho, Meng-Che |
0 |
Andrews |
Randomizing and Describing Groups |
2017 |
Kabakulak, Ahmet |
0 |
Caldararu |
A-infinity Algebras and Ribbon Graophs |
2017 |
Kim, Jongchon |
0 |
Seeger |
Endpoint estimates for multiplier transformations |
2017 |
Li, Yu |
0 |
Bing Wang |
Ricci flow on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds |
2017 |
Lim, Tau Shean |
0 |
Zlatos/Feldman |
Propagation of reactions in Lévy diffusion |
2017 |
Liu, Liu |
1 |
Jin |
Uncertainty quantification for multiscale kinetic equations and quantum dynamics |
2017 |
Matei, Vlad |
0 |
Ellenberg |
A geometric perspective on some arithmetic statistics questions over function fields over finite fields |
2017 |
Mitchell, William |
0 |
Spagnolie |
Analysis and computation of sedimentation and erosion in viscous flow |
2017 |
Poskin, Jeff |
0 |
Del Pia |
Representability in Mixed Integer Quadratic Programing |
2017 |
Ramos, Eric |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Homological Invariants of FI-modules and FI_G-modules |
2017 |
Tveite, Paul |
0 |
J. Miller |
Effectivizations of Dimension and Cardinal Characteristics |
2016 |
Wang, Keija |
1 |
Boston |
A Journey To Low Spherical Discrepancy |
2017 |
Wang, Kuh-Chieh |
0 |
Roch |
Phylogenetic reconstruction accuracy in the face of heterogeneity, recombination, and reticulate evolution |
2017 |
Wen, Huanyu |
0 |
Thiffeault |
Winding problems of planar Markov processes |
2017 |
Xi, Haokai |
0 |
Jun Yin |
Anisotropic local law and its application in random matrix theory |
2017 |
Yang, Yang |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Some Problems Related to the Equitable Presentation for the Quantum Algebra |
2017 |
Yu, Peng |
0 |
T. Yang |
CM Values of Green Functions Associated to Special Cycles on Shimura Varieties with Applications to Siegel 3-Fold Case |
2016 |
Cladek, Laura |
1 |
Seeger |
Multiplier Theorems, Square Function Estimates and Bochner-Riesz Means Associated with Rough Domains |
2016 |
Dewey, Edward |
0 |
Arinkin |
Charactistic Classes of Cameral Covers |
2016 |
Dimou, Evangelos |
0 |
Seeger |
Maximal estimates for solutions to dispersive equations |
2016 |
Emrah, Elnur |
0 |
Seppalanien |
Exactly solvable inhomogenerous corner growth models |
2016 |
Jain, Lalit |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Big Mod \ell Monodromy for Families of G-Covers |
2016 |
Janjigian, Christopher |
0 |
Valko |
Large Deviations for certain solvable directed polymer models |
2016 |
Kim, Yoosik |
0 |
Maxim |
On non-displaceable Lagrangian tori on Fano toric surfaces : wall-crossings and bulk-deformations |
2016 |
Lee, Jaeho |
0 |
Caldararu/Oh |
Non displacable toric fibers on compact sympletic manifolds via tropicalization |
2016 |
Mueller, Peter |
0 |
Thiffeault |
Unsteady Biomixing and Heat Transfer in Microchannels |
2016 |
Ross, Daniel |
0 |
Ellenberg |
The Ulam Sequence and Related Phenomena |
2016 |
Rush, Keith |
0 |
Denisov |
Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle : Steklov problems and weight perturbations |
2016 |
Su, Yun |
1 |
Maxim |
Higher Order Degrees of Complex Hypersurface Complements |
2016 |
Wong, Kaiho |
0 |
Maxim |
Twisted Alexander Polynomials of Hypersurface Complements |
2016 |
Xu, Xiaoqian |
0 |
Zlatos |
Singularities and mixing in fluid dynamics |
2015 |
Alladi, Sriram |
0 |
Seeger |
A multiplier theorem for ultraspherical polynomials |
2015 |
Chen, Xianghong |
0 |
Seeger |
Restriction of the Fourier transform to Salem sets |
2015 |
Dynerman, David |
0 |
Gurevich |
Describing geometry and symmetry of cryo-EM datasets using algebra |
2015 |
Holzer, Jesse |
0 |
Ferris |
Methods for numerical solution of structured variational inequalities |
2015 |
Hu, Yueke |
0 |
Yang |
Period Integrals, L-Functions, and Applications to Subconvexity Bound and Mass Equidistribution |
2015 |
Johnson, Silas |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Weighted Discriminants and Mass Formulas for Number Fields |
2015 |
Li, Lei |
0 |
Spagnolie |
Fluid-structure interaction at dierent Reynolds numbers |
2015 |
Lynch, Alison |
1 |
Terwilliger |
Algebraic characterizations of Cauchy pairs and Uq(sl2)-modules |
2015 |
Nagpal, Rohit |
0 |
Ellenberg |
FI-modules and the cohomology of modular representations of symmetric groups |
2015 |
Nan, Ting-Ting |
1 |
Boston |
Entropy Regions and the Four-Atom Conjecture |
2015 |
Pretel, Gabriel |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Tridiagonal pairs of Krawtchouk type and their compatible elements |
2015 |
Strenner, Balacz |
0 |
Kent |
Algebraic degrees and Galois conjugates of Penner stretch factors |
2015 |
Sun, Yu |
0 |
Anderson |
Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods with Applications to Biochemical Models |
2015 |
You, Qian |
1 |
Angenent |
Some Ancient Solutions of Curve Shortening |
2015 |
Zhao, Jie |
0 |
Wang |
Hyperkähler metrics on focus-focus fibrations |
2015 |
Zheng, Fan |
0 |
Yang |
On Constructing Eigenfunctions of Weil Representation over p-adic fields |
2014 |
Benguria Depassier, Maria Soledad |
1 |
Nagel |
Estimates for the szego kernel on unbounded convex domains |
2014 |
Bockting-Conrad, Sarah Renee |
1 |
Terwilliger |
Tridiagonal pairs, double lowering operators, and UqIsl2 |
2014 |
Bridy, Andrew |
0 |
Bach |
The Artin-Mazur zeta function of a rational map in positive characteristic |
2014 |
Cheng, Yongtao |
1 |
Waleffe |
A mixed fluid-kinetic solver for the Vlasov-Poisson equations |
2014 |
Dummit, Evan |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Counting number field extensions of given degree, bounded discriminant, and specified Galois group |
2014 |
Hablicsek, Marton |
0 |
Caldararu |
Derived intersections and their applications |
2014 |
Holcomb, Diane |
1 |
Valko |
Point process limits of random matrices |
2014 |
Jefferis, Leland |
0 |
Jin |
Computation of high frequency wave solutions to symmetric hyperbolic systems with polarized waves |
2014 |
Jensen, Sara |
1 |
Isaacs |
On the character degree simplicial complex of a finite solvable group |
2014 |
Khan, Mushfeq |
0 |
Miller, J |
Some results on algorithmic randomness and computability-theoretic strength |
2014 |
Kumar, Ashutosh |
0 |
Miller, A. |
On some problems in set-theoretic real analysis |
2014 |
Lee, Jae-Ho |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Q-polynomial distance-regular graphs and double affine Hecke algebra of rank one |
2014 |
Murcko, Jason |
0 |
Seeger |
On the Differentiation of Besov Spaces |
2014 |
Peterson, Aaron |
0 |
Nagel |
Dbar-b on Uniformly Finite-Type Domains |
2014 |
Rice, Brian |
0 |
Lempp |
The thin set theorem for pairs and substructures of the Muchnik Lattice |
2014 |
Skubak-Wolf, Beth |
1 |
Anderson |
Computational methods for parametric sensitivities of stochastic chemical reaction networks |
2014 |
Zhou, Zhennan |
0 |
Jin |
Computational methods for semi-classical Schrodinger equations with vector potentials and Ehrenfest dynamics |
2013 |
Bao, Erkao |
0 |
Oh |
On J-Halomorphic Curves in almost Complex Manifolds with Asymptotically Cylindrical Ends |
2013 |
Beros, Achilles |
0 |
Lempp |
Applications of Arthmetic Complexity and Priority Arguments in Algorithmic Learning Theory |
2013 |
Beros, Konstantinos |
0 |
Miller, A. |
Descriptive Group Theory |
2013 |
Davis, Rachel |
1 |
Boston |
Images of Metabelian Galois Representations Associated to Elliptic Curves |
2013 |
Hanson, Edward |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Characterizations of Leonard Pairs |
2013 |
Koyama, Masanori |
0 |
Anderson |
Analysis of stochastically modeled biochemical processes with applications to numerical methods |
2013 |
Li, Qin |
0 |
Jin |
Modeling and Computation Methods for Multi-Scale Quantum Dynamics and Kinetic Equations |
2013 |
Lock, Michael |
0 |
Viaclovsky |
Index theorems for anti-self-dual and self-dual orbifolds |
2013 |
Medini, Andrea |
0 |
Kunen |
The Topology of Ultrafilters as Subspaces of the Cantor Set and Other Topics |
2013 |
Nelson, Joanna |
1 |
Mari-Beffa |
Applications of Automatic Transversality in Contact Homology |
2013 |
Wang, Dongning |
0 |
Oh |
Seidel Representation for Symplectic Orbitfolds and Its Applications |
2013 |
Wang, Rui |
1 |
Oh |
The Contact Triad Connection and Contact Instantons |
2013 |
Zhao, Luanlei |
0 |
Yang |
Period Integral of Automorphic Green Functions |
2013 |
Zhao, Yongqiang |
0 |
Ellenberg |
On Sieve Methods for Varieties over Finite Fields |
2012 |
Ache, Antonio |
0 |
Viaclovsky |
Obstruction - flat Asymptotically Locally Euclidean Metrics and Asymptotics of the Self-Dual Complex |
2012 |
Amorim, Lino |
0 |
Oh |
A Kunneth Theorem in Lagrangian Floer Theory |
2012 |
Boonkasame, Anakewit |
0 |
Milewski |
On Propagation and Stability of Internal Waves |
2012 |
Brown, George |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Leonard Triples Associated with the Anticommutator Spin Algebra |
2012 |
Deng, Qiang |
0 |
Smith |
Tropical Cyclogenesis and Vertical Shear in a Moist Boussineq Model |
2012 |
Durfee, Christina |
1 |
Isaacs |
Groups with a Character of Large Degree Relative to a Normal Subgroup |
2012 |
Garton, Derek |
0 |
Ellenberg |
Random Matrices and Cohen-Lenstra Statistics for Global Fields with Roots of Unity |
2012 |
Kiernan, Kathleen |
1 |
Brualdi |
Exponents of Matrices |
2012 |
Ling, Jie |
0 |
Yang |
Arithmetic Intersection and Resultants |
2012 |
Meyer, Seth |
0 |
Brualdi |
Zero forcing sets and bipartite circulants |
2012 |
Qi, Peng |
0 |
Jin |
Surface Hopping and Related Problems |
2012 |
Seal, David |
0 |
Rossmanith |
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Vlasou Models of Plasma |
2012 |
Tumasz (Matz), Sarah |
1 |
Thiffeault |
Topological Mixing |
2012 |
Vincent, Christelle |
1 |
Ono |
Drinfeld Modular Forms Modulo "P" and Weierstrass Points on Drinfeld Modular Curves |
2012 |
Wang, Li Ang |
1 |
Jin |
Numerical Methods for Multiscale Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations |
2012 |
Wang, Zhan |
0 |
Milewski |
Dynamics of Strongly Nonlinear Water Waves with Capillary and Flexure Effects |
2012 |
Worawannotai, Chalempong |
0 |
Terwilliger |
Dual Polar Graphs, The Quantum Algebra Uq(sl2), and Leonard Systems of Dual q-Krawtchouk Type |
2012 |
Yuan, Fang |
0 |
Chen |
The Weak Compactness of Ricci Flow with Ricci Curvature Bounded from Below |
2011 |
Blackhurst, Jonathon |
0 |
Boston |
Random Frobenius Elements and p-Extensions of the Rationals |
2011 |
Dabkowski, Michael |
0 |
Nazarov |
2011 |
Dewitt, Meghan |
1 |
Boston |
2011 |
Georgiou, Nicos |
0 |
Seppalainen |
2011 |
Godjali, Ali |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2011 |
Guo, Jingwei |
0 |
Seeger |
2011 |
Hu, Jingwei |
1 |
Jin |
2011 |
Johnson, E. Alec |
0 |
Rossmanith |
Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection with a Ten-Moment Two-Fluid Plasma Model |
2011 |
Lin, Hao |
0 |
Seppalainen |
2011 |
Schroeder, Michael |
0 |
Brualdi |
2011 |
Tu, Junwu |
0 |
Caldarau |
2011 |
Virk, Rahbar |
0 |
Ram |
Dynamics of Strongly Nonlinear Water Waves with Capillary and Flexure Effects |
2011 |
Wang, Li |
1 |
Smith |
2011 |
Wang, Yuanqi |
0 |
Chen |
2011 |
Woodbury, Michael |
0 |
Chen |
2011 |
Yan, Bokai |
0 |
Jin |
Asymptotic Preserving Schemes for Kinetic Fluid Coupling Model |
2010 |
Alston, Garrett |
0 |
Oh |
2010 |
Daugherty, Zajj |
1 |
Ram |
2010 |
Davis, Matt |
0 |
Ram |
2010 |
Ganguly, Arnab |
0 |
Kurtz |
2010 |
Guettes, Sabrina |
1 |
Kurtz |
2010 |
Gupta, Ankit |
0 |
Kurtz |
2010 |
Haack, Jeffrey |
0 |
Jin |
2010 |
Hubler, Shane |
0 |
Craciun |
2010 |
Kazalicki, Matija |
0 |
Ono |
2010 |
Kline, Jeffrey |
0 |
Amos |
2010 |
Li, Qiahn |
1 |
Ferris |
2010 |
Mantilla-Soler, Guillermo |
0 |
Ellenberg |
2010 |
Ozman, Ekin |
1 |
Ellenberg |
2010 |
Pantea, Casian |
0 |
Craciun |
2010 |
Remmel, Mark |
0 |
Smith |
2010 |
Simons, Julie |
1 |
Milewski |
2010 |
Sun, Song |
0 |
Chen |
2010 |
Turetsky, Dan |
0 |
Lempp |
2010 |
Van Essen, Anton |
0 |
Nagel |
2010 |
Yin, Weidong |
0 |
Chen |
2010 |
Yip, Martha |
1 |
Ram |
2009 |
Addington, Nicolas |
0 |
Caldararu |
2009 |
Andrejko, Erik Ben |
0 |
Kunen |
2009 |
Bae, Myoungjean |
1 |
Feldman |
2009 |
Berliner, Adam |
0 |
Brualdi |
2009 |
Deaett, Louis |
0 |
Brualdi |
2009 |
Ellison, Ben |
0 |
Ruitenberg/Lempp |
2009 |
Hua, Zheng |
0 |
Borisov |
2009 |
Huang, Hongnian |
0 |
Chen |
2009 |
Joseph, Mathew |
0 |
Seppalainen |
2009 |
Kim, Hanjun |
0 |
Borisov |
2009 |
Kumar, Rohini |
0 |
Seppalainen |
2009 |
Li, Qian |
1 |
Ferris |
2009 |
McGinn, Dan |
0 |
Lempp |
2009 |
Milovich, David |
0 |
Kunen |
2009 |
Nover, Harris |
0 |
Boston |
2009 |
Otto, Ben |
0 |
Isaacs |
2009 |
Remmel, Mark |
0 |
Smith |
2009 |
Shi, Yingzhe |
0 |
Jin |
2009 |
Turkelli, Seyfi |
0 |
Ellenberg |
2009 |
Zhu, Keya |
1 |
Ionescu |
2008 |
Akers, Ben |
0 |
Milewski |
2008 |
Darnall, Matt |
0 |
Boston |
2008 |
Galindo, Diego |
0 |
Slemrod |
2008 |
Hendrickson, Anders |
0 |
Isaacs |
2008 |
Holden, Chris |
0 |
Boston |
2008 |
Hunter, James |
0 |
Lempp |
2008 |
Kang, Hye-Won |
1 |
Kurtz |
2008 |
Kieserman, Noah |
0 |
Oh |
2008 |
Kim, Yeon-Hyang |
1 |
Ron |
2008 |
Mueller, Stefan |
0 |
Oh |
2008 |
Nam, Sangnam |
0 |
Ron |
2008 |
Owen, Rob |
0 |
Kunen |
2008 |
Petro, Matt |
0 |
Robbin |
2008 |
Raghavan, Dilip |
0 |
Ellenberg |
2008 |
Rhoades, Robert |
0 |
Ono |
2008 |
Sengun, Mehmet |
0 |
Boston |
2008 |
Tang, Yudong |
0 |
Chen |
2008 |
Thorne, Frank |
0 |
Ono |
2008 |
Tonejc, Jernej |
0 |
Gong |
2008 |
Wang, Bing |
0 |
Chen |
2008 |
Yang, Xu |
0 |
Jin |
2007 |
Alfeld, Christopher |
0 |
Lempp |
2007 |
Bowman, John |
0 |
Ram |
2007 |
Christodoulopoulou, Konstantina |
1 |
Benkart |
2007 |
Deng, Geng |
0 |
Ferris |
2007 |
Fang, Ye |
0 |
Angenent |
2007 |
Funk-Neubauer, Darren |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2007 |
Garthwaite, Sharon |
1 |
Ono |
2007 |
Getz, Jayce |
0 |
Ono |
2007 |
Hangelbroek, Thomas |
0 |
Ron |
2007 |
He, Weiyong |
0 |
Chen |
2007 |
Kach, Asher |
0 |
Lempp |
2007 |
Kane, Ben |
0 |
Ono |
2007 |
Kim, Ahyoung |
1 |
Kiselev |
2007 |
Liao, Xiaomei |
1 |
Jin |
2007 |
Oberlin, Richard |
0 |
Seeger |
2007 |
Rose, Michael |
0 |
Borisov |
2007 |
Rouse, Jeremy |
0 |
Ono |
2007 |
Shallue, Andrew |
0 |
Bach |
2007 |
Wang, Jue |
1 |
Waleffe |
2007 |
Weber, Brian |
0 |
Chen |
2006 |
Anderson, Jaclyn Ann |
1 |
Ono |
2006 |
Chakrabarti, Debraj |
0 |
Rosay |
2006 |
Griffeth, Stephen P. |
0 |
Ram |
2006 |
Hartwig, Brian |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2006 |
Hollingsworth, Susan L. |
1 |
Brualdi |
2006 |
Hur, Youngmi |
1 |
Ron |
2006 |
Jenkins, Paul |
0 |
Ono |
2006 |
Leida, Johann K. |
0 |
Adem |
2006 |
Mahlburg, Karl E. |
0 |
Ono |
2006 |
Newton, Benjamin W. |
0 |
Isaacs |
2006 |
Nguyen, Xuan Hien |
1 |
Angenent |
2006 |
Novak, Kyle A. |
0 |
Jin |
2006 |
Petrosyan, Nansen |
0 |
Adem |
2006 |
Raichev, Alexander |
0 |
Lempp |
2006 |
Spaeth, Peter |
0 |
Oh |
2006 |
Sutton, Talieson |
0 |
Yang |
2006 |
Vasquez, Elisa |
1 |
Speissegger (Lempp) |
2005 |
Benesh, Bret |
0 |
Boston |
2005 |
Bisgard, James |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
2005 |
Carracino, Christine |
1 |
Nagel |
2005 |
Charalambides, Marios |
0 |
Waleffe |
2005 |
Chatterjee, Rohit |
0 |
Ono |
2005 |
Cossey, James |
0 |
Isaacs |
2005 |
Davis, Joshua |
0 |
Ionel |
2005 |
de la Vega, Ramiro |
0 |
Kunen |
2005 |
Dwyer, Chris |
0 |
Adem |
2005 |
Halfpap, Jennifer |
1 |
Nagel |
2005 |
Jenkins, Adrian |
0 |
Gong |
2005 |
Kent, Thomas |
0 |
Lempp |
2005 |
Lo, Darren |
0 |
Isaacs |
2005 |
McQuistan, Michael |
0 |
Isaacs |
2005 |
Raich, Andrew |
0 |
Nagel |
2005 |
Ramsamooj, Neil |
0 |
Ionel |
2005 |
Rushton, Joshua |
0 |
Kuelbs |
2005 |
Stefansson, Halldor Narfi |
0 |
Ron |
2005 |
Swisher, Holly |
1 |
Ono |
2005 |
Temple, Katherine |
1 |
Kurtz |
2005 |
Weinberg, Aaron |
0 |
Wilson |
2005 |
Wiesner, Emilie |
1 |
Ram |
2004 |
El-Guindy, Ahmad |
0 |
Ono |
2004 |
Laghi, Norberto |
0 |
Seeger |
2004 |
Lau, Michael |
0 |
Benkart |
2004 |
Lyall, Neil |
0 |
Wainger |
2004 |
Mukherjee, Shantala |
1 |
Benkart |
2004 |
Ondrus, Matt |
0 |
Benkart |
2004 |
Sutherland, Jamie |
0 |
Wilson |
2004 |
Taylor, Paul |
0 |
Seeger |
2004 |
Thiem, Nathaniel |
0 |
Ram |
2004 |
Unlu, Ozgun |
0 |
Adem |
2003 |
Alkan, Emre |
0 |
Ono |
2003 |
Chakrabarti, Manish |
0 |
Benkart |
2003 |
Cho, Cheol-Hyun |
0 |
Oh |
2003 |
De Sousa Dias Lopes, Samuel A |
0 |
Benkart |
2003 |
Givens, Berit N. |
1 |
Kunen |
2003 |
Hu, Shengda |
0 |
Ruan |
2003 |
Lee, Youngsuk |
0 |
Smith |
2003 |
Miller, Daniel J. |
0 |
Speissegger |
2003 |
Mortenson, Eric T. |
0 |
Ono |
2003 |
Velikina, Julia V. |
1 |
Ron |
2002 |
Bharali, Gautam |
0 |
Nagel |
2002 |
Bloss, Matthew M. |
0 |
Benkart |
2002 |
Boylan, Matthew G. |
0 |
Ono |
2002 |
Cookson, Timothy J. |
0 |
Miller |
2002 |
Garcia, Jorge |
0 |
Kurtz |
2002 |
Gerber, Kenneth L. |
0 |
Brualdi |
2002 |
Hamblin, James E. |
0 |
Isaacs |
2002 |
Hwang, Seok |
0 |
Tzavaras |
2002 |
Li, Xiantao |
0 |
Jin |
2002 |
Mazaheri, Mohsen |
0 |
Zariphopoulou |
2002 |
Uribe, Bernardo |
0 |
Adem |
2002 |
Voelker, Meta |
1 |
Ferris |
2002 |
Yang, Chan Woo |
0 |
Seeger |
2001 |
Baker, Joni E. |
1 |
Kunen |
2001 |
Borges, Maria J. |
1 |
Rabinowitz |
2001 |
Chen, Bohui |
0 |
Ruan |
2001 |
Christlieb, Andrew J. |
0 |
Hitchon |
2001 |
Hsieh, Liang-Yu |
1 |
Brualdi |
2001 |
Lang, Michael S. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2001 |
MacLean, Mark |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2001 |
Poddar, Mainak |
0 |
Ruan |
2001 |
Vovkivsky, Taras |
0 |
Adem |
2001 |
Wiles, Peter S. |
0 |
Harvey |
2001 |
Zhang, Wanchuan |
0 |
Ruan |
2000 |
Behn, Antonio F. |
0 |
Passman |
2000 |
Berger, Kurt |
0 |
Milewski |
2000 |
Choi, Jongho |
0 |
Milewski |
2000 |
Egge, Eric S. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
2000 |
Eghbalnia, Hamid R |
0 |
Assadi |
2000 |
Felcyn, Pawel |
0 |
Robbin |
2000 |
Franklin, Bradbury |
0 |
Kurtz |
2000 |
Hildebrand, Jeffrey D. |
0 |
Benkart |
2000 |
Holtz, Olga V. |
1 |
Schneider |
2000 |
Jeon, Woo |
0 |
Osborn |
2000 |
Kung, David T-S. |
0 |
Seeger |
2000 |
MacNair, Simon G. |
0 |
Zariphopoulou |
2000 |
McKinzie, Mark B. |
0 |
Bleicher |
2000 |
Wang, Dejia |
0 |
Lempp |
2000 |
Ziebarth, Jennifer |
1 |
Adem |
1999 |
Chang, Chia-Chin |
0 |
Shen |
1999 |
Hong, Sunggeum |
1 |
Seeger |
1999 |
Huang, Daode |
0 |
Brualdi |
1999 |
Kersey, Scott N. |
0 |
de Boor |
1999 |
Kim, Yong Jung |
0 |
Tzavaras |
1999 |
Liu, Chia-Hsin |
0 |
Passman |
1999 |
Ozugurlu, Ersin |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1999 |
Park, Jeng Yune |
1 |
Brualdi |
1999 |
Ponomarenko, Vadim |
0 |
Brualdi |
1999 |
Teixeira, Joao |
0 |
Keisler |
1999 |
Tsai, Chung-Hsien |
0 |
Shen |
1998 |
Andersson, Carl D. |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1998 |
Apps, Philip |
0 |
Keisler |
1998 |
Caughman, John S. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1998 |
Edwards, Stephanie |
1 |
Hellerstein |
1998 |
Flores, Manuel T. |
0 |
Nagel |
1998 |
Folch-Gabayet, Magali |
1 |
Wainger |
1998 |
Griffiths, Evan J. |
0 |
Lempp |
1998 |
Grood, Cheryl P. |
1 |
Benkart |
1998 |
Kang, Youngok |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1998 |
Kasturirangan, Rajesh |
0 |
Oh |
1998 |
Kim, Joonil |
0 |
Seeger |
1998 |
Lee, Young Sook |
0 |
Strikwerda |
1998 |
Lotfallah, Wafik B. |
0 |
Keisler |
1998 |
Meda-Guardiola, Ana |
1 |
Ney |
1998 |
Moon, Dongho |
0 |
Benkart |
1998 |
Nam , Ki-Bong |
0 |
Brualdi |
1998 |
Neudauer, Nancy A. |
1 |
Brualdi |
1998 |
Parker, Darren B. |
0 |
Passman |
1998 |
Rho, Yoomi |
0 |
Brualdi |
1998 |
Riedl, Jeffrey M. |
0 |
Isaacs |
1998 |
Shaw, May S. |
1 |
Slemrod |
1998 |
Torres-Gallardo, Evelyn |
1 |
Parter |
1998 |
Yalcin, Ergun |
0 |
Husseini |
1998 |
Yeh, Nai-Sher |
0 |
Shen |
1998 |
Yoon, Jungho |
0 |
Ron |
1997 |
Alrefaei, Mahmoud |
0 |
Andradottir |
1997 |
Arratia-Quesada, Argimiro A. |
0 |
Joseph |
1997 |
Benjamin, Diane Mullan |
1 |
Isaacs |
1997 |
Catoiu, Stefan |
0 |
Passman |
1997 |
Chen, Ming-Li |
1 |
Assadi |
1997 |
Eisen, Nicolas |
0 |
Rosay |
1997 |
Hermann, Paul D. |
0 |
Dickey |
1997 |
Huang, Wenchao |
0 |
Schneider |
1997 |
Kribs, Christopher |
0 |
Brauer |
1997 |
Lewis, Heather |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1997 |
Lindhurst, Scott |
0 |
Bach |
1997 |
Logan, Mark J. |
0 |
Solomon |
1997 |
Milinkovic, Darko |
0 |
Oh |
1997 |
Montgomery, Aaron Glee |
0 |
Husseini |
1997 |
Ortiz, Carlos |
0 |
Keisler |
1997 |
Skarabot, Jure |
0 |
Seeger |
1997 |
Sneyd, Elizabeth |
1 |
Brualdi |
1997 |
Strom, Jeffrey A. |
0 |
Husseini |
1997 |
Szydlik, Stephen D. |
0 |
Orlik |
1997 |
Tsai, Tsung-Hsi |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1997 |
Uen, Wuu-Nan |
0 |
Harvey |
1997 |
Varolin, Dror |
0 |
Forstneric |
1997 |
Westlund, Eric R. |
0 |
Orlik |
1997 |
Yeh, Chien-Ning |
0 |
Keisler |
1996 |
Berkove, Ethan J. |
0 |
Adem |
1996 |
Chen, Hsing-Hsia |
0 |
Strikwerda |
1996 |
Collamore, Jeffrey F. |
0 |
Ney |
1996 |
Collins, Benjamin V. C. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1996 |
Curtin, Brian W. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1996 |
Doree, Suzanne I. |
1 |
Isaacs |
1996 |
Eng, Oliver D. |
0 |
Benkart |
1996 |
Ettinger, John Mark |
0 |
Keisler |
1996 |
Evans, Kellie M. |
1 |
Griffeath |
1996 |
Godbey, Kevin S. |
0 |
Shea |
1996 |
Guner, Necdet |
0 |
Husseini |
1996 |
Hart, Joan E. |
1 |
Kunen |
1996 |
Hogan, Thomas A. |
0 |
Ron |
1996 |
Kim, Yong Cheol |
0 |
Seeger |
1996 |
Lee, Jaesung |
0 |
Ahern |
1996 |
Shayya, Bassam H. |
0 |
Wainger |
1996 |
Villaveces, Andres |
0 |
Kunen |
1996 |
Yoo, Jaechil |
0 |
Parter |
1995 |
Akgul, Nilgun Atiye |
1 |
Slemrod |
1995 |
Choi, Youngwoo |
0 |
Wainger |
1995 |
Cooper, Shaun |
0 |
Askey |
1995 |
Dickie, Garth A. |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1995 |
Dolinak II, Joseph |
0 |
Assadi |
1995 |
Forsythe, Robert C. |
0 |
Robbin |
1995 |
Ghazel, Moncef |
0 |
Adem |
1995 |
Johnson, Michael James |
0 |
Ron |
1995 |
Koepp, Warren P. |
0 |
Osborn |
1995 |
Lawrence, Kenneth Mark |
0 |
Brualdi |
1995 |
Lee, Chang-Ock |
0 |
Parter |
1995 |
Lee, Ki-Suk |
0 |
Terao |
1995 |
Lewis, Mark L. |
0 |
Isaacs |
1995 |
Ozturk, Semra |
1 |
Assadi |
1995 |
Pires, Gabriel E. |
0 |
Souganidis |
1995 |
Pritchard, Geoffrey |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1995 |
Pruim, Randall James |
0 |
Joseph |
1995 |
Raw, Matthew J. |
0 |
Millar |
1995 |
Sha, Huyun |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1995 |
Spradlin Gregory S. |
0 |
unknown |
1995 |
Szydlik, Jennifer Earles |
1 |
Harvey |
1995 |
Thandi, Neeza |
1 |
Rabinowitz |
1995 |
Waldron, Shayne F. |
0 |
de Boor |
1995 |
Weng, Chih-wen |
0 |
Terwilliger |
1995 |
Wilson, Mark Curtis |
0 |
Passman |
1995 |
Yi, Jeong Seon |
0 |
Ahern |
1995 |
Zakeri, Golbon |
1 |
Meyer |
1994 |
Cerne, Miran |
0 |
Forstneric |
1994 |
Cho, Nhansook |
1 |
Kurtz |
1994 |
Deckelman, Steven M. |
0 |
Ahern |
1994 |
Dougherty, Anne |
1 |
Kurtz |
1994 |
Galminas, Lisa |
1 |
Lempp |
1994 |
Guo, Likang |
0 |
Nagel |
1994 |
Johnson, Kurt N. |
0 |
Dickey |
1994 |
Johnson, Mark J. |
0 |
Miller |
1994 |
Juan-Pineda, Daniel |
0 |
Adem |
1994 |
Lanning, Scott E. |
0 |
Passman |
1994 |
Leduc, Robert E. |
0 |
Benkart |
1994 |
Lee, Jongwoo |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1994 |
Leonhardi, Steven D. |
0 |
Lempp |
1994 |
Letarte, Alan L. |
0 |
Keisler |
1994 |
Martin, Paul A. |
0 |
Strikwerda |
1994 |
Maxwell, Thomas O. |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1994 |
Mellendorf, Stephen P. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1994 |
Sellami, Hichem |
0 |
Robinson |
1994 |
Spasojevic, Zoran |
0 |
Kunen |
1994 |
Strobel, Kevin H. |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1994 |
Temple, William V. |
0 |
Passman. |
1993 |
Asavanant, Jack |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1993 |
Benedikt, Michael A. |
0 |
Keisler |
1993 |
Chandarana, Sharad |
0 |
Wainger |
1993 |
Ding, Kequan |
0 |
Solomon |
1993 |
Dzamonja, Mirna |
1 |
Kunen |
1993 |
Halverson, Thomas M. |
0 |
Benkart |
1993 |
Huang, Guangping |
0 |
Brauer |
1993 |
Ikle, Matthew O. |
0 |
Slemrod |
1993 |
Ingenoso, Marc J. |
0 |
Kurtz |
1993 |
Izmirlian, Grant Jr. |
0 |
Ney |
1993 |
Jahn, Michael A. |
0 |
Lempp |
1993 |
Jewell, Kenneth M. |
0 |
Orlik |
1993 |
Johnson, Warren P. |
0 |
Askey |
1993 |
Kim, Sang Dong |
0 |
Parter |
1993 |
Koo, Hyungwoon |
0 |
Nagel |
1993 |
Marshall, James P. |
0 |
Wainger |
1993 |
Marshall, Mary K. |
1 |
Isaacs |
1993 |
Massey, Jennifer Quinn |
1 |
Brualdi |
1993 |
Mathews, Hans V. |
0 |
Husseini |
1993 |
McDonald, Judith J. |
1 |
Schneider |
1993 |
Mohammed, Seid |
0 |
Shea |
1993 |
Mueller, Carl D. |
0 |
Rosay |
1993 |
Newman, William G. |
0 |
Dickey |
1993 |
Wingers, Louis |
0 |
Kunen |
1993 |
Zhao, Kang |
0 |
de Boor |
1992 |
Brandt, Keith A. |
0 |
Terao |
1992 |
Fishback, Paul E. |
0 |
Forelli |
1992 |
Haloupek, William J. |
0 |
Beck |
1992 |
Jarvis, Peter M. |
0 |
Wainger |
1992 |
Jarvis, Peter M. |
0 |
Wainger |
1992 |
Jin, Renling |
0 |
Keisler |
1992 |
Kaddah, Deborah S. |
1 |
Lempp |
1992 |
Lamb, David A. |
0 |
Kunen |
1992 |
Lazarevic, Zorana |
1 |
M.Rudin |
1992 |
Lee, Chanyoung |
1 |
Benkart |
1992 |
Li, Wenbo |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1992 |
Maia, Liliane de Almeida |
1 |
Turner |
1992 |
Peters, Karl M. |
0 |
Benkart |
1992 |
Reisewitz, Tammo M. |
0 |
Millar |
1992 |
Shin, Dongho |
0 |
Strikwerda |
1992 |
Tan, Chik How |
0 |
Brualdi |
1992 |
Tao, Jinhua |
0 |
Ney |
1992 |
Turbek, Peter S. |
0 |
Gunji |
1992 |
Wang, Qing |
0 |
Benkart |
1992 |
Williams, John C. |
0 |
Isaacs |
1992 |
Wong, Sze-Ping |
0 |
Parter |
1992 |
Zhang, Ende |
0 |
Brauer |
1991 |
Arvola, William A. |
0 |
Orlik |
1991 |
Chavey, Keith L. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1991 |
Choi, Jeongwhan |
0 |
Shen |
1991 |
Cholak, Peter Abe |
0 |
Lempp & Millar |
1991 |
Daniel, Timothy Lee |
0 |
M.Rudin |
1991 |
Gravner, Janko |
0 |
Griffeath |
1991 |
Hart, Evelyn L. |
1 |
Fadell |
1991 |
Iltis, Michael G. |
0 |
Ney |
1991 |
Jung, Hyung Chan |
0 |
Brualdi |
1991 |
Kaptanoglu, H. Turgay |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1991 |
Keppelmann, Edward C. |
0 |
Fadell |
1991 |
Kim, Weonja |
1 |
Wainger |
1991 |
Kunkle, Thomas J. |
0 |
de Boor |
1991 |
Kunkle, Thomas J. |
0 |
de Boor |
1991 |
Lewis, Thomas |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1991 |
Linton, Thomas J. |
0 |
Miller |
1991 |
Mekias, Hocine |
0 |
Vanden-Broeck |
1991 |
Muchlis, Ahmad |
0 |
Schneider |
1991 |
Norton-Odenthal, Brigitte |
1 |
Husseini |
1991 |
Schuette, Paul H. |
0 |
Ney |
1991 |
Son, Geum Sug (Hwang) |
1 |
Brualdi |
1991 |
Stroomer, Jeffrey D. |
0 |
Benkart |
1991 |
Tuckey, Curtis D. |
0 |
Keisler |
1991 |
Yung, Siu Pang |
0 |
Turner |
1991 |
Zrotowski, Roman J. |
0 |
Kunen |
1990 |
Calbeck, William S. |
0 |
Rosay |
1990 |
Fan, Haitao |
0 |
Slemrod |
1990 |
Gwanyama, Philip Wagala |
0 |
Harvey |
1990 |
Katzenberger, Gary Shon |
0 |
Kurtz |
1990 |
Landver, Avner |
0 |
Kunen |
1990 |
Shader, Bryan L. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1990 |
Shaw, Kari E. |
1 |
Ahern |
1990 |
Siegel, Eli A. |
0 |
Solomon |
1990 |
Sun, Shu Ming |
0 |
Shen |
1990 |
Welsh, Charles C. |
0 |
Passman |
1990 |
Wright, James R. |
0 |
Wainger |
1990 |
Wu, Xuezheng |
0 |
Robbin |
1990 |
Ye, Zaifei |
0 |
Rosay |
1990 |
Zhang, Bingyu |
0 |
Russell |
1990 |
Zhong, Ning |
1 |
M.Rudin |
1989 |
Felmer, Patricio Luis |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1989 |
Fischer, Ismor |
0 |
Askey |
1989 |
Huan, Zhongdan |
0 |
Crandall |
1989 |
Jafari, Farhad |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1989 |
Jeske, Clement T. |
0 |
Passman |
1989 |
Kang, Hyeonbae |
0 |
Nagel |
1989 |
Kavanagh, James P. |
0 |
Schneider |
1989 |
McDougal, Kevin |
0 |
Brualdi |
1988 |
Bak, Jong-Guk |
0 |
Wainger |
1988 |
Chen, Chao-Nien |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1988 |
Chisholm, John A. |
0 |
Millar |
1988 |
Cho, Han Hyuk |
0 |
Brualdi |
1988 |
Choe, Boo Rim |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1988 |
Fares, Jean Selim |
0 |
Husseini |
1988 |
Fisch, Robert D. |
0 |
Griffeath |
1988 |
Goggin, Eimear Mary |
1 |
Kurtz |
1988 |
Goldsmith, Judith A. |
1 |
Joseph |
1988 |
Goldstein, Steven Jay |
0 |
Ney |
1988 |
Graves, Alan S. |
0 |
Husseini |
1988 |
Hansen, Scott W. |
0 |
Russell |
1988 |
Jiang, Shouli |
0 |
M.Rudin |
1988 |
McMichael, John David |
0 |
Nagel |
1988 |
Michael, T. S. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1988 |
Newcomb, Richard T. II |
0 |
Crandall |
1988 |
Ng, Siu-Ah |
0 |
Keisler |
1988 |
Odenthal, Charles J. |
0 |
Levy |
1988 |
Sardis, Robert M. |
0 |
Russell |
1988 |
Silva, Elves Alves de Barros e |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1988 |
Tang, Dalin |
0 |
Shen |
1988 |
Theron, D. Peter |
0 |
Bauman |
1988 |
Wong, Peter N-S |
0 |
Fadell |
1988 |
Yoo, Yoon Jae |
0 |
Ahern |
1987 |
Berge, John |
0 |
McMillan |
1987 |
Blount, Douglas J. |
0 |
Kurtz |
1987 |
Costantini, Cristina |
1 |
Kurtz |
1987 |
Decker, Naomi Henderson |
1 |
Parter |
1987 |
Gunter, Elsa (Pritchard) |
1 |
Isaacs |
1987 |
Hall, Mark E. |
0 |
Benkart |
1987 |
Harizanov, Valentina S. |
1 |
Millar |
1987 |
Henriques, Pedro M. |
0 |
Uhlenbrock |
1987 |
Hong, Geck Chan |
0 |
Shea |
1987 |
Long, Yiming |
0 |
Rabinowitz |
1987 |
Markel, Scott A. |
0 |
Turner |
1987 |
Prescott, Richard W. |
0 |
Nagel |
1987 |
Ramsay, John R. |
0 |
Fadell |
1987 |
Santos, Antonio Z. |
0 |
Wainger |
1987 |
Santos, Josenildo dos |
0 |
Fadell |
1987 |
Schroeder, Gary H. |
0 |
Crandall |
1987 |
Schweiter, Gail Ann |
1 |
Millar |
1987 |
Shen, Shanpu |
0 |
Shen |
1987 |
Stockbridge, Richard H. |
0 |
Kurtz |
1987 |
Svobodny, Thomas P. |
0 |
Russell |
1987 |
Wade, Bruce A. |
0 |
Strikwerda |
1987 |
Watson, David K. |
0 |
Nagel |
1986 |
Ahmadi, Mohammad |
0 |
Bleicher |
1986 |
Beslagic, Amer |
0 |
M.Rudin |
1986 |
Boyles, David C. |
0 |
Cannon |
1986 |
Haefner, Jeremy A. |
0 |
Levy |
1986 |
Kime, Katherine A. |
1 |
Russell |
1986 |
Levental, Shlomo |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1986 |
McCord, Christopher K. |
0 |
Fadell |
1986 |
Merrill, John |
0 |
Kunen |
1986 |
Reed, Robert C. |
0 |
Millar |
1986 |
Shahriari, Shahriar |
0 |
Isaacs |
1986 |
Stuart, Jeffrey |
0 |
Schneider |
1986 |
Velickovic, Boban |
0 |
Kunen |
1985 |
Chin, William |
0 |
Passman |
1985 |
Ebel, David J. |
0 |
Shen |
1985 |
Feldman, Alexander |
0 |
Millar |
1985 |
Gunter, Carl A. |
0 |
Kunen |
1985 |
Hwang, Suk Geun |
0 |
Brualdi |
1985 |
Jacobs, Jonathan M. |
0 |
Robbin |
1985 |
Loper, Kenneth A. |
0 |
Gunji |
1985 |
Mischaikow, Konstantin M. |
0 |
Rabinowitz (Conley) |
1985 |
Neidhardt, Wayne L. |
0 |
Benkart |
1985 |
Quinn, Declan P. F. |
0 |
Passman |
1985 |
Reineck, James F. |
0 |
Rabinowitz (Conley) |
1985 |
Scofield, Jeremy L. |
0 |
Fadell |
1985 |
Solheid, Ernie S. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1985 |
Solomon, Wiremu |
0 |
Kurtz |
1985 |
Sueiro Bal, Juan |
0 |
Nagel |
1985 |
Tatsuoka, Kay |
1 |
Cannon |
1985 |
Thron, Christopher P. |
0 |
Griffeath |
1985 |
Zielinski, Michael F. |
0 |
Wainger |
1985 |
Zivaljevic, Rade |
0 |
Keisler |
1984 |
Burke, Maurice |
0 |
Harvey |
1984 |
Byun, Hyeja |
0 |
Levy |
1984 |
Carroll, Jeffrey |
0 |
Millar |
1984 |
Castillo-Chavez, Carlos |
0 |
Brauer |
1984 |
Chavey, Darrah P. |
0 |
Crowe |
1984 |
Enayat, Ali |
0 |
Kunen |
1984 |
Fajardo, Sergio |
0 |
Keisler |
1984 |
Farmer, William M. |
0 |
Kunen |
1984 |
Franzosa, Robert |
0 |
Conley |
1984 |
Hatziafratis, Telemachos E. |
0 |
Nagel |
1984 |
Kass, Steven |
0 |
Benkart |
1984 |
Klingler, Lee |
0 |
Levy |
1984 |
Kwong, Ying-Chuen |
0 |
Crandall |
1984 |
Lee, Tien-you (Daniel) |
0 |
de Boor |
1984 |
Pritikin, Daniel |
0 |
Brualdi |
1984 |
Rebarber, Richard |
0 |
Russell |
1984 |
Shao, Jia-yu |
0 |
Brualdi |
1984 |
Slavin, Charles |
0 |
Wainger |
1984 |
Tomaszewski, Boguslaw |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1984 |
Weiner, Daniel C. |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1983 |
Adams, Colin C. |
0 |
Cannon |
1983 |
Bickford, Mark |
0 |
Millar |
1983 |
Calcaterra, Robert |
0 |
Bauman |
1983 |
Falk, Michael |
0 |
Orlik |
1983 |
Fernando, Suren L. |
0 |
Benkart |
1983 |
Flapan, Erica |
1 |
McMillan |
1983 |
Goldwasser, John |
0 |
Brualdi |
1983 |
Jia, Rong-qing |
0 |
de Boor |
1983 |
Johnson, Daniel P. |
0 |
Kurtz |
1983 |
Mills, Charles P. |
0 |
M.Rudin |
1983 |
Ross, David |
0 |
Keisler |
1983 |
Slattery, Michael C. |
0 |
Isaacs |
1983 |
Soares, Eliana |
1 |
Isaacs |
1983 |
Souganidis, Panagiotis E. |
0 |
Crandall |
1982 |
Biagioli, Anthony |
0 |
Smart |
1982 |
Gethner, Robert |
0 |
Hellerstein |
1982 |
Gowda, Muddappa |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1982 |
Guichard, David |
0 |
Millar |
1982 |
Hanson, Bruce |
0 |
Shea |
1982 |
Kim, Hong Oh |
0 |
Ahern |
1982 |
Kosciuk, Steven |
0 |
Keisler |
1982 |
Manasse, Mark S. |
0 |
Millar |
1982 |
Morris, Walter G. |
0 |
Askey |
1982 |
Parks, Alan |
0 |
Isaacs |
1982 |
Stanton, Charles |
0 |
Shea |
1982 |
Watkins, Joseph C. III |
0 |
Kurtz |
1982 |
Wimmers, Edward |
0 |
Keisler |
1981 |
Gluchoff, Alan D. |
0 |
Ahern |
1981 |
Ho, Lop Fat |
0 |
Russell |
1981 |
King, James H. |
0 |
Ney |
1981 |
Laurence, Peter M. |
0 |
Shen |
1981 |
Navy, Caryn L. |
1 |
M.Rudin |
1981 |
Ramey, Wade C. |
0 |
Nagel |
1981 |
Rosenthal, David A. |
0 |
Keisler |
1981 |
Sacks, Paul |
0 |
Crandall |
1981 |
Shen, Li-Chien |
0 |
Hellerstein |
1981 |
Talmage, Philip G. |
0 |
Orlik |
1981 |
Tangredi, Michael P. |
0 |
Nohel |
1981 |
Teglas, Russell G. |
0 |
Russell |
1981 |
Ullrich, David C. |
0 |
W.Rudin |
1980 |
Compton, Kevin J. |
0 |
Keisler |
1980 |
Garity, Dennis J. |
0 |
Cannon |
1980 |
Kalman, Daniel S. |
0 |
Harvey |
1980 |
Kane, Jonathan M. |
0 |
Nagel |
1980 |
Lee, George S. |
0 |
M. Rudin |
1980 |
Lin, Kun-Chou |
0 |
Shen |
1980 |
Moeckel, Richard B |
0 |
Conley |
1980 |
Nestlerode, William C. |
0 |
Wainger |
1980 |
Palenz, Diana G.P. (Pike) |
1 |
M. Rudin |
1980 |
Parker, Jeffrey D. |
0 |
Orlik |
1980 |
Ross, Jeffrey A. |
0 |
Brualdi |
1980 |
Saikia, Promode Kumar |
0 |
Solomon |
1980 |
Steinhorn, Charles Ira |
0 |
Keisler |
1980 |
Tonnessen, Lowell H. |
0 |
Harvey |
1980 |
Vance, James Thomas Jr. |
0 |
Nagel |
1980 |
Velleman, Daniel |
0 |
Kunen (M.Rudin) |
1980 |
Weinberg, David A. |
0 |
Wainger |
1979 |
Arratia, Richard A. |
0 |
Griffeath |
1979 |
Bowman, Bonita |
1 |
Dickey |
1979 |
Foregger, Marsha (Forman), |
1 |
Brualdi |
1979 |
Garst, Peter |
0 |
Solomon |
1979 |
Haslach, Henry W. Jr. |
0 |
Husseini |
1979 |
Henderson, James P. |
0 |
Cannon |
1979 |
Jones, Christopher K.R.T. |
0 |
Conley |
1979 |
Kierstead, David P. |
0 |
Kleene |
1979 |
Kurland, Henry L. |
0 |
Conley |
1979 |
Moak, Daniel |
0 |
Askey |
1979 |
Painter, Jeffrey |
0 |
Meyer |
1979 |
Price, Roderick A |
0 |
Kunen |
1979 |
Reid, Russell |
0 |
Russell |
1979 |
Yuster, Thomas |
0 |
Isaacs |
1978 |
Astaburuaga, Maria A. |
1 |
Brauer |
1978 |
Cohn, William S. |
0 |
Ahern |
1978 |
Hall, William D. |
0 |
Husseini |
1978 |
Hoover, Douglas N. |
0 |
Keisler |
1978 |
Kaufmann, Matthew Jay |
0 |
Barwise |
1978 |
Leung, Koon-Loon |
0 |
Keisler |
1978 |
Neidhardt, Arnold L. |
0 |
Kuelbs |
1978 |
Panetta, Richard Lee |
0 |
Keisler |
1978 |
Wilson, James A. |
0 |
Askey |
1977 |
Bittman, Richard M |
0 |
Levy |
Categories of idempotent left artinian rings |
1977 |
Brin, Matthew G |
0 |
McMillan |
3-manifold compactification of open 3-manifolds |
1977 |
Carr, Ralph W. |
0 |
Nohel |
Uniform L^p est. for a linear integrodiff. equ. w/a parameter |
1977 |
Chen, Goong |
0 |
Russell |
Energy decay est. & contr. theory for the wave equ. in a bounded domain |
1977 |
Chicone, Carmen C. |
0 |
Robbin |
Topol. prop. of alg. vector fields |
1977 |
Herink, Curtis D. |
0 |
Kunen |
Some applications of iterated forcing |
1977 |
Hlavka, James L |
0 |
Bleicher |
Eval. of a lower bound for Vinogradov's 3-prime theorem, with an improved error term |
1977 |
Levy, Joshua B. |
0 |
Wainger |
Transience & recurrence of state-depend. branching processes with a immigration component |
1977 |
McGibbon, Charles A. |
0 |
Husseini |
Fake quaternionic proj. spaces from a homotopy point of view |
1977 |
Ng, Boon-Yian |
0 |
Rider |
Uniform convergence sets & random walks in an ultrasherical polyn. |
1977 |
Rennolet, Charles |
0 |
Nohel |
Abstract nonlinear volterra integrodiff. equas. of nonconvolution type |
1977 |
Sadler, Walter L |
0 |
Crowe |
The effects of instr. in modeling theory on the attitudes & achiev. of college freshmen |
1977 |
Stanton, Dennis W. |
0 |
Askey |
Some basic hypergeom. polyn. arising from finite class. grps. |
1977 |
Sternfeld, Robert W. |
0 |
McMillan |
A contractible open N-manifold that embeds in no compact n-manifold |
1977 |
Sundberg, Carl |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Ideas in operator algebras |
1977 |
Tinsley, Frederick C. |
0 |
Cannon |
Cell like decomp. of manif. & the I-LC property |
1977 |
Verde-Star, Luis |
0 |
Buck |
Inf. matrices & repr. of linear oper. commutin w/shifts |
1977 |
Wolf, Thomas R. |
0 |
Isaacs |
Character correspondence in finite groups |
1976 |
Ancel, Fredric David |
0 |
Cannon |
The locally flat approx. of cell-like embedding relations |
1976 |
Anderson, Eugene R. |
0 |
Solomon |
Representations of the kostant ring |
1976 |
Berner, Andrew J. |
0 |
M. Rudin |
Classes of spaces defined by nested seq. of sets & maps among such spaces |
1976 |
Chueh, Kathy Rou-Sing |
1 |
Russell |
A boundary value control problem for hyperbolic systems |
1976 |
Crawford, John J. |
0 |
Kuelbs |
Elliptically contoured measures & the law of the iterated logarithm |
1976 |
Everett, Daniel L. |
0 |
Cannon |
Embedding & product theorems for deomp. spaces |
1976 |
Frankel, Robert S. |
0 |
Orlik |
Criteria for positive & ample vector bundles |
1976 |
Koh, Hock-Lye |
0 |
Russell |
Struct. of Riccati equ. solution in optimal boundary control of hyperbolic equs. w/quadratic cost functionals |
1976 |
London, Steven |
0 |
Shen |
Wave prop. in a rotating fluid of spherical config. |
1976 |
Loomer, Norman J. |
0 |
Harvey |
A multi-dim. explor. invest. of small group heuristic & expository learning in calculus |
1976 |
Lozano, Carlos J. |
0 |
Meyer |
Virtually trapped surface water waves around islands |
1976 |
Mitchell, Emerson C. |
0 |
Kunen |
A model of set theory with a universal set |
1976 |
Parsons, Lee |
0 |
M. Rudin |
Norm. & countable paracompactness in spaces related to the Stone-Cech compactif. of a discrete space |
1976 |
Pierson, Harry M |
0 |
Kurtz |
Random linear transf. of point processes |
1976 |
Prange, John D. |
0 |
Chover |
Suffic. cond. for unique inv. measures for discrete time local lattice processes |
1976 |
Quigg, David L. |
0 |
Ney |
A local limit theorem for the crit. age-dep. branch. process |
1976 |
Richman, Daniel J. |
0 |
Schneider |
Calcul. of the Weyr Charact. form the sing. graph of an m-matrix |
1976 |
Shrikhande, Neelima M. |
1 |
McMillan |
1976 |
Stephenson, Kenneth R. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Isometries of the nevanlinna class |
1976 |
Wage, Michael L. |
0 |
M. Rudin |
Applications of set theory to analysis & topology |
1975 |
Brewer, Dennis W. |
0 |
Nohel |
A nonlinear semigroup for a funct. diff. equ. |
1975 |
Bruce, Kim |
0 |
Keisler |
Model theor. forcing in L |
1975 |
Chueh, Kai-Nan |
0 |
Conley |
On the asymp. behav. of solutions of semi-linear parabolic p.d.e. |
1975 |
Ebert, Gary L. |
0 |
Bruck |
Disjoint circles: the classif. of transl. planes in terms of sets of disj. circles in finite miquelian inversive planes |
1975 |
Elgueta, Manuel |
0 |
Nagel |
Ext. of funct. holomorphic in a submanif. in gen. position & C^infinity up to the bound. to strictly pseudoconvex domains |
1975 |
Epstein, Harvey |
0 |
Parter |
Algorithms for elem. transcendental function arithmetic |
1975 |
Ethier, Stewart |
0 |
Kurtz |
An error estim. for the diff approx. in popul. genetics |
1975 |
Funderburk, James |
0 |
Robbin |
Module struct. of certain induced repr. of compact Lie groups |
1975 |
Gardner, Marianne L. |
1 |
Brualdi |
Intersection & chromatic prop. of graphs & hypergraphs |
1975 |
Kiffe, Thomas R. |
0 |
Nohel |
Nonlinear volterra equs. of nonconvolution type |
1975 |
Koster, David W. |
0 |
Solomon |
Complex reflection groups |
1975 |
Messer, Robert A. |
0 |
McMillan |
3-manifolds & compactness |
1975 |
Nagel, Yvonne |
1 |
Schneider |
Putnam involutions on Banach algebras |
1975 |
Saunders, Benjamin D. |
0 |
Schneider |
Duality & norm numerical ranges |
1975 |
Schlipf, John S. |
0 |
Barwise |
Some hyperelementary aspects of model theory |
1975 |
Scott, Brian M. |
0 |
M. Rudin |
The behav. of orthocompactness in products, w/emphasis on certain analogies w/that of norm. under similar circum., or orthocompact: metacompact: normal: paracompact (a.e.) |
1975 |
Smith, Richard M. |
0 |
Osborn |
The effects of a part. style of text present. on attitude & achiev. of stdts. in a math. course design. for prosp. el. tchrs |
1975 |
Staffans, Olof |
0 |
Nohel |
Tauberian theorems for positive definite measures, w/applic. to a Volterra equation |
1975 |
Stark, William R. |
0 |
Barwise |
A forcing approach to strict II: reflect. w/applic. to infinitary logic |
1975 |
Wang, Yuan Chia |
0 |
Young |
A sufficient theory in optimal control |
1975 |
Whitesides, Sue H. |
1 |
Bruck |
Collineations of project. planes of order 10 |
1975 |
Yung, Tin Gun |
0 |
Conley |
Isolated inv. sets of semi-flows on compact metric spaces |
1974 |
Ball, Richard N. |
0 |
Harvey |
Full subgroups of a lattice ordered group |
1974 |
Ballard, John |
0 |
Solomon |
Modula repr. of finite chevalley groups |
1974 |
Bankston, Paul |
0 |
Keisler |
Topological ultraproducts |
1974 |
Broline, Duane M. |
0 |
Isaacs |
Prop. of irreducible character kernels |
1974 |
Carpenter, Gail A. |
1 |
Conley |
Traveling wave solution so fnerve impulse equations |
1974 |
Certain, Melinda W. |
1 |
Askey |
Some theorems on semigroups & groups of operators |
1974 |
Feinberg, Robert B. |
0 |
Osborn |
Characterization of incidence algebras |
1974 |
Gagola, Stephen |
0 |
Isaacs |
Characters fully ramified over a normal subgroup |
1974 |
Godfrey, Leon |
0 |
Harvey |
Math. concept acquisition & use |
1974 |
Heitmann, Raymond |
0 |
Levy |
Principal ideal domains w/spec. residue fields |
1974 |
Holte, John M. |
0 |
Ney |
Limit theorems for critical gen. branching processes |
1974 |
Kolaski, Clinton |
0 |
Forelli |
1974 |
Lee, Tai-Chung |
0 |
Rudin |
1974 |
McKee, Terry A. |
0 |
Keisler |
Some applic. of model theory to topology |
1974 |
Michel, John R |
0 |
Turner |
Hilbert space repr. of Baer *-semigroups & quantum logics |
1974 |
Oh, Yung S. |
0 |
Husseini |
An RPT-repr. for omega(XxY) & applications |
1974 |
Paulos, John A. |
0 |
Barwise |
Truth adequacy & truth maximality for logics |
1974 |
Pengra, Roy |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Factorization of bound. holomorphic funct. on Riemann surfaces |
1974 |
Potter, Walter M. |
0 |
Isaacs |
Groups w/automorphisms inverting a lg. proport. of the element |
1974 |
Richards, Arthur |
0 |
Forelli |
Composition operators on Hardy spaces |
1974 |
Sgro, Joseph A. |
0 |
Keisler |
Completeness theorems for topological models |
1974 |
Starbird, Michael |
0 |
M. Rudin |
1974 |
Sullivan, Kathleen A. |
1 |
Keisler |
The teaching of elem. calculus: an approach using infinit. |
1974 |
You, Byung Wok |
0 |
Ahern |
On bound. behav. & inv. subspace of an annulus |
1973 |
Armstrong, Alan L. |
0 |
Rider |
The derived alg. of Lp of a compact group & central Fourier-Stieltjes trans. w/0 as an isolated value |
1973 |
Benson, Michael P. |
0 |
Noble |
Errors in num. quadrature for certain sing. integrands & the num. solution of able integral equations |
1973 |
Crary, Fred D. |
0 |
Bing |
Some new engulfing theorems |
1973 |
Crowson, Lawrence David |
0 |
Beck |
Flows on compact surfaces |
1973 |
Esty, Warren Wilder |
0 |
Ney |
Cond. limit laws in age-dep. branching processes & some associated diffusions |
1973 |
Foregger, Thomas H. |
0 |
Brualdi |
Some problems in combinatorial theory |
1973 |
Garrison, Sidney Clarence III |
0 |
Isaacs |
On groups w/a small number of character degrees |
1973 |
Hilgers, John W. |
0 |
Rall |
Non-iterative methods for solving oper. equs. of the 1st kind |
1973 |
Horton, Robert L. |
0 |
Askey |
Expansions using orthogonal polynomials |
1973 |
Houng, I-Yuan |
0 |
Schoenberg |
On least square approx. by spline functions |
1973 |
Leong, Fook |
0 |
Bruck |
Fundamental loops |
1973 |
Lin, Sung-Chi |
0 |
Bruck |
An application of group theory to projective geometry |
1973 |
Liu, Kuang-Chi |
0 |
Uhlenbrock |
An exp. theorem for the twisted product w/ applic. to quantum statistical mechanics |
1973 |
Manocha, Jitendra Nath |
0 |
Sandomierski |
Finiteness conditions & torsion theories |
1973 |
McKean, Robert G. |
0 |
Isaacs |
On Frobenius' conjectures |
1973 |
Orr, William F. |
0 |
Bruck |
The Miguelian inversive plan (IP)g & the assoc. proj. planes |
1973 |
Randell, Richard C. |
0 |
Orlik |
General. Brieskorn manif. with S' actions |
1973 |
Selgrade, James F. |
0 |
Conley |
Isolated inv. sets for lin. flows on proj. bundles |
1973 |
Shih, Shy-Ming |
0 |
Shen |
Contrib. to the theory of surf. waves on a viscous fluid |
1973 |
Stengenga, David A. |
0 |
Ahern |
Bounded Toeplitz operators on H^1 & applic. of BMO |
1973 |
Sullivan, Francis J. |
0 |
Gunji |
The Hasse-Witt problem for cyclic ext. of kcxl |
1973 |
Wang, Frank J. S. |
0 |
Kurtz |
Limit theorems for age & density dep. stoch. pop. models |
1973 |
Wright, David G. |
0 |
Cannon |
Cantor sets & homotopy connectedness of manifolds |
1972 |
Davis, Carl S. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
The F-algebra N*(U^n) & iterated limits in N*(U^n) |
1972 |
Detmer, Richard |
0 |
Cannon |
Charact. of sets which are tame in complexes in E^3 |
1972 |
Diderrich, George T |
0 |
McQuillan (Mann) |
On some addition theorems in groups |
1972 |
Engel, Gernot M. |
0 |
Schneider |
Cyclic products & general. matrix functions |
1972 |
Gwaiz, Mohammed A. |
0 |
Shen |
Contrib. to the theory of water waves on a sloping beach |
1972 |
Hampton, Charles R. |
0 |
Passman |
Semisimplicity of group rings of solvable groups |
1972 |
Kindschi, Paul D. |
0 |
Harvey |
Studies in differential aptitude as related to math. learning |
1972 |
Knoblauch, Tom E. |
0 |
McMillan |
Decomp. of 3-manifolds into toroidal continua |
1972 |
Kunt, Sinan |
0 |
Hellerstein |
Entire funct. whose O's have a locally reg. ang. distr. |
1972 |
Kutzko, Philip C. |
0 |
McQuillan |
The characters of the Binary-Modular congruence group |
1972 |
Lam, Kin |
0 |
Forelli |
The point spectra of self-adjoint ext. of a closed symm. operator w/equal deficiency indices |
1972 |
Liu, Dar-Biau |
0 |
Young |
An algorithm for the exist. of nth deriv. & a suffic. cond. For the exist. of Weyl's deriv. & Riecz's deriv. |
1972 |
Lubin, Arthur R. |
0 |
Ahern |
Isometrices of *-inv. subspaces of H^2 (D) |
1972 |
McLeod, Douglas B. |
0 |
Harvey |
The effect. of an in-service program for implem. an activity approach to learning math. in the elem. school |
1972 |
Miller, Robert W. |
0 |
Sandomierski |
Projective modules & their endomorphism rings |
1972 |
Osborn, James H. |
0 |
Bruck |
Finite doubly-transitive permutation groups w/o subgroups fixing exactly two points |
1972 |
Rosenholtz, Ira N. |
0 |
Martin |
Absolute endpoints & open maps of chainable continua |
1972 |
Schnackenberg, Richard F. |
0 |
Bauman |
On inject., project. & normalizers of finite groups |
1972 |
Shultz, Frederic W. |
0 |
Uhlenbrock |
Axioms for quantum mech.: a general. prob. theory |
1972 |
Zarantonello, Sergio E. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Cousin & 0 set problems in polydomains |
1972 |
Zinn, Joel |
0 |
Kuelbs |
An inv. princ. for lattices of dep. random variables & certain rates of convergence |
1971 |
Allen, Graham Donald |
0 |
Young |
Covar. funct., variation, & stochastic integrations |
1971 |
Bahl, Christina A. |
1 |
Levy |
Repr. of cyclic groups of square-free order over the integers modulo a prime power |
1971 |
Boos, William T. |
0 |
Kunen |
Nonstandard large cardinals |
1971 |
Chillak, Edward W. |
0 |
Smart |
On Weierstrass pts. for elliptic modular forms |
1971 |
Churchill, Richard C. |
0 |
Conley |
Alg. relations betw. invar. sets & their asympt. sets |
1971 |
Coram, Donald S. |
0 |
McMillan |
Semi-cellularity of compact subsets of manifolds |
1971 |
Dinolt, George W. |
0 |
Brualdi |
Extremal & charact. problems in Matroid theory |
1971 |
Forbes, Douglas R. |
0 |
Harvey |
The Texas system: R.L. Moore's original edition |
1971 |
Freund, Dwight D. |
0 |
Meyer |
Studies in asymptotics & stratified fluid flow |
1971 |
Gerlach, Mrs. Mary Anne |
1 |
Bing |
Some fibered cellular decomp. of E^3 give E^3 |
1971 |
Glass, Andrew M. W. |
0 |
Holland |
Interpolation groups |
1971 |
Gooding, Frederic Jr. |
0 |
Smart |
Modular forms arising from spherical polynomials & positive definite quadratic forms |
1971 |
Haigh, J. Thomas |
0 |
Brauer |
Dichotomies, linearization, & asymp. behavior |
1971 |
Jones, Ralph |
0 |
Bing |
Triangulated open n-manif. are unions of n open n-cells |
1971 |
Jordan, George S. |
0 |
Shea |
Gen. ratio-tauberian theorems & some probl. in the theory of entire functions |
1971 |
Ketonen, Jussi A. |
0 |
Kunen |
Everything you wanted to know about ultrafilters but were afraid to ask |
1971 |
Kuiper, Hendrik J. |
0 |
Turner |
On positive solut. of nonlinear elliptic eigenv. problems |
1971 |
Leung, Anthony Wing-Kwok |
0 |
Wasow |
Doubly asymp. series for systems of diff. equs. in unbound. Domains |
1971 |
Libeskind, Shlomo |
0 |
Bleicher/Knopp |
A develop. of a unit on no. theory, for use in high school, based on a Heuristic approach |
1971 |
Lipow, Carla (Wofsy) |
1 |
Chover |
2 branching models w/generating functions dependent on population size |
1971 |
Mayland, Edward J. Jr. |
0 |
Martin |
The residual finiteness of a class of knot groups |
1971 |
McCall, John Todd Jr. |
0 |
Bruck |
The 4th Engel condition on groups & Lie rings |
1971 |
Mitchell, William J. |
0 |
Osborn |
Power-Assoc. alg. of degree 2 with a chain condition |
1971 |
Montgomery, John T. |
0 |
Conley |
Some perturb. theorems for flows on a compact metric space |
1971 |
Nadel, Mark E. |
0 |
Keisler |
Model theory in admiss. sets, the theory of the snake |
1971 |
Neumann, Dean A. |
0 |
Martin |
Heegaard splittings of homology 3-sphere |
1971 |
Overbeck, Julius W. |
0 |
Bauman |
Saturated homomorphs of solvable Lie algebras |
1971 |
Overdeck, John M. |
0 |
Buck |
Charact. of extreme functionals on function spaces |
1971 |
Parra, Dennis M. |
0 |
Wiegand |
Dual pairs & their applic. to Q.F.-3 rings |
1971 |
Read, John A. |
0 |
Holland |
Nonoverlapping lattice-ordered groups |
1971 |
Ritter, Gerhard X. |
0 |
Martin |
Free cyclic actions on S^3 |
1971 |
Rod, David L. |
0 |
Conley |
Invariant sets in the Monkey Saddle |
1971 |
Shilepsky, Arnold C. |
0 |
Bing |
Homogeneity & ext. prop. of embeddings of S^1 in E^3 |
1971 |
Silliman, Sherwood |
0 |
Schoenberg |
The num. eval. by Splines of the Fourier transf. & the Laplace transform |
1971 |
Soloway, Robin Naomi |
1 |
McMillan |
Somewhere acyclic mappings of manif. are compact |
1971 |
Troccolo, Joseph A. |
0 |
Bauman |
Formations of a finite solvable group |
1971 |
Vrabec, Joze |
0 |
Cannon |
Inclusion maps of 3-manif. which induce Monomorphisms on fund. groups |
1971 |
Wheeler, Robert Lee |
0 |
Shea |
Some ext. of Valiron's Tauberian theorem for ent. functions |
1971 |
Wiegand, Sylvia M. |
1 |
Levy |
Galois theory of essential exp. of modules & vanishing tensor powers |
1970 |
Appleyard, David F. |
0 |
Conley |
Invar. sets near the collinear Lagrangian pts. in the nonplan. restricted 3-body problem |
1970 |
Armstrong, Gerald M. |
0 |
Young |
A classical approach to the Denjoy integral & ext. of a suffic. theory in optimal control |
1970 |
Arnold, James E. Jr. |
0 |
Fadell |
Local to global constr. in the theory of Hurewicz fibrations |
1970 |
Benda, Miroslav |
0 |
Keisler |
Reduced products, fiters & Boolean ultrapowers |
1970 |
Blumberg, Duane |
0 |
Fadell |
Trivial spectral sequences in the theory of fibre spaces |
1970 |
Bruce, Robert |
0 |
Shea |
Regular. prop. of a class of entire functions |
1970 |
Cavaretta, Alfred S. Jr. |
0 |
Schoenberg |
On cardinal perf. splines of least sub-norm on the real axis |
1970 |
Davidson, Neil |
0 |
Harvey |
The small group-discovery method of math. instr. As applied in calculus |
1970 |
Dickey, Leroy J. |
0 |
Crowe |
Constr. of hyperbolic planes & absolute planes using ovoids & ruled surf. in finite 3-dim. proj. geometries |
1970 |
Erickson, Kent B. |
0 |
Ney |
Renewal theorems w/infinite mean |
1970 |
Escultura, Edgar E. |
0 |
Young |
The traj., reachable set, min. level & chain of traj. in a control system |
1970 |
Gerlach, Jacob |
0 |
Bing |
Toroidal decomp. of E3 which geve E3 |
1970 |
Hoffmann, Laurence D. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Analytic functions in the polydisc |
1970 |
James, David A. |
0 |
Knopp |
Automorphic forms on domains larger than the upper half-plane & factors of automorphy |
1970 |
Kramer, Richard A. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
0 sets of ent. funct. In several variables |
1970 |
Kuzmanovich, James J. |
0 |
Levy |
Localizations & completions of Dedekind prime rings |
1970 |
Lewin, Jonathan W. |
0 |
Beck |
Reparametrization of continuous flows |
1970 |
Lewin, Myrtle H. |
1 |
Beck |
Algebraic combin. of continuous flows |
1970 |
Lipow, Peter |
0 |
Schoenberg |
Cardinal hermite spline interpolation |
1970 |
Mather, David P. |
0 |
Buck |
Commutativity prop. of continuous operat. on the space of entire functions |
1970 |
McCord, Daniel Lee |
0 |
Fadell |
The converse of the Lefschetz fixed-pt. theor. for surf. & higher dimensional manifolds |
1970 |
Morris, Douglass B. |
0 |
Keisler |
Adding total indiscern. to models of set theory |
1970 |
Moser, Louise E. |
1 |
Martin |
Surgery along Torus knots & solv. fund. grps. of closed 3-man. |
1970 |
Olinick, Michael |
0 |
Bing |
Reflex. compact maps of euclidean spaces & the monotone mapping problem |
1970 |
Olson, Lynn |
1 |
Meyer |
Near-steady oblique shock waves in a collisionless plasma |
1970 |
Pierce, Keith |
0 |
Holland |
Amalgamations of partially ordered alg. structures |
1970 |
Prichett, Gordon |
0 |
Gunji |
A disc. on torsion subgrps. of elliptic curves in P-adic field |
1970 |
Protas, David |
0 |
Ahern |
Tangential limits of inner funct. & funct. orthog. to inv. Subspaces |
1970 |
Quintana, Ricardo B. Jr. |
0 |
Bruck |
On groups of exponent four |
1970 |
Richards, Franklin B. |
0 |
Schoenberg |
A general. min. norm prop. for spline funct. & applic. |
1970 |
Riesenberg, Nathaniel R. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Polynomial extreme points in polydiscs |
1970 |
Scrimger, Edward B. Jr. |
0 |
Holland |
Intransitive lattice-ordered-groups of order preserving permutations of chains |
1970 |
Self, William M. |
0 |
Forelli |
Homeomorphisms of some classical Banach algebras |
1970 |
Sheingorn, Mark |
0 |
Knopp |
Poincare series bounded away fr. Zew in the fund. region |
1970 |
Sheldon, Philip B. |
0 |
Levy |
On the quotient fields of power series rings |
1970 |
Shilepsky, Carol (Carter) |
1 |
Levin |
A boundedness theorem for solutions of a Volterra equation |
1970 |
Ummel, Brian R. |
0 |
Fadell |
Some applic. of the homology of the deleted prod. to the problem of imbed. simplicial complex. in Euclid. sp. 2 classes of orthog. funct. & their relation to the strong law of large nos. |
1970 |
Warren, Peter |
0 |
Beck |
2 classes of orthog. funct. & their relation to the strong law of large nos. |
1970 |
Webster, Dallas E. |
0 |
Bing |
Alt. methods in handle-straightening theory |
1969 |
Aschbacher, Michael |
0 |
Bruck |
Collineation groups of symmetric block designs |
1969 |
Barker, George |
0 |
Schneider |
Matrices which are nonneg. w/respect to a cone |
1969 |
Bartelt, Martin |
0 |
Buck |
Strict. contin. lin. oper. On the bounded analyt. functions on the disk |
1969 |
Booth, David |
0 |
Kunen |
Countably indexed ultrafilters |
1969 |
Boyce, Stephen S. |
0 |
Gudder |
A form. of Segal's model for quantum mech. in terms of a proposition system |
1969 |
Chambers, Graham A. Jr. |
0 |
Bauman |
p-Normally embedded subgr. of finite soluble groups |
1969 |
Chee, Pak-Soong |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Bounded holomorphic funct. in several complex variables |
1969 |
Chell, Charlotte (Stark) |
0 |
Rosser |
Respective transcental rank |
1969 |
Dorr, Fred |
0 |
Parter |
The asympt. behav. & num. solution of sing. perturb. probl. w/turning pts. |
1969 |
Flytzanis, Elias |
0 |
Beck |
Eigenoperators of ergodic transformations |
1969 |
Foster, James H. |
0 |
Ney |
Branching processes involv. immigration |
1969 |
Frost, Theodore E. |
0 |
Wainger |
On error est. for the local limit theorem |
1969 |
Goldstein, Martin |
0 |
Ney |
Critical age-dependent branh. processes: single & multitype |
1969 |
Hintzman, William R. |
0 |
Buck |
Approx. & analytic functions |
1969 |
Hughes, Charles E. |
0 |
Turner |
Relative Eigenvalue problems for o.d.oper. |
1969 |
Jensen, Richard |
0 |
Bing |
Cross sectionally connected spheres |
1969 |
Klatt, Gary |
0 |
Levy |
Pre-self-injective rings & project. modules over semi-perf. rings |
1969 |
Leung, David C. |
0 |
Bruck |
On nilpotent divisible groups |
1969 |
Mason, John H. |
0 |
Brualdi |
Representations of independence spaces |
1969 |
McGehee, Richard |
0 |
Conley |
Homoclinic orbits in the restr. 3-body problem |
1969 |
Meyer, Rochelle |
1 |
Harvey |
The identif. & encouragement of math. creativity in first grade students |
1969 |
Meyer, Walter |
0 |
Bleicher |
Minkowski addition of convex sets |
1969 |
Quinn, John P. |
0 |
Russell |
Time optimal control of lin. distr. parameter systems |
1969 |
Roosenraad, Cris |
0 |
Askey |
Inequalities with orthogonal polynomials |
1969 |
Row, William Harry |
0 |
McMillan |
Compact subsets of 3-manif. defin. by cubes-w/handles |
1969 |
Russell, Stanley J. |
0 |
Johnson |
Analysis of some elastic stress concentr. problems in fiber reinforced materials |
1969 |
Schindler, Susan |
1 |
Askey |
Some transpl. theorems for the general. Mehler Transf. & related Asympt. expansions |
1969 |
Simon, Jonathan |
0 |
Martin |
Methods for prov. that certain classes of knots have prop. P |
1969 |
Smith, Kirby |
0 |
Osborn |
On Jordan & assoc. rings |
1969 |
Tall, Franklin D. |
0 |
M. Rudin |
Set-theor. consist. results & topol. theorems concerning the normal Moore space conject. & related problems |
1969 |
Walkoe, Wilbur J. |
0 |
Keisler |
Finite partially ordered quantification |
1969 |
Warren, Nancy MacMaster |
1 |
M. Rudin |
Extend. contin. functions in Stone-Cech compactif. of discrete spaces & in 0-dimensional spaces |
1969 |
Wilson, Robert L. Jr. |
0 |
Schneider |
Loop isotopism & isomorphism, & ext. of univ. algebra |
1969 |
Wright, Alden H. |
0 |
McMillan |
Monotone mappings of compact 3-manifolds |
1969 |
Yang, Chung Chun |
0 |
Hellerstein |
A general. of the theorem of the Tumusa & Clunie & its appl. to the value distr. of meromorphic functions |
1968 |
Baernstein, Al |
0 |
Shea |
A nonlin. Tauberian theorem in funct. theory & some results on Tauberian oscillations |
1968 |
Cain, Bryan |
0 |
Schneider |
Inertia theory for operators on a Hilbert space |
1968 |
Carasso, Alfred |
0 |
Parter |
An anal. of num. methods for parabolic prob. over long times |
1968 |
Constable, Robert |
0 |
Kleene |
Extend. & refining hierarchies of computable functions |
1968 |
DeJongh, Dick H. J. |
0 |
Kleene |
Investig. on the intuitionistic propositional calculus |
1968 |
Dennin, Joseph |
0 |
McQuillan |
Some results on the linear groups |
1968 |
Ferguson, David |
0 |
Schoenberg |
The question of uniqueness for G.D. Birkhoff interp. probl. |
1968 |
Fitch, James S. |
0 |
Askey |
Int. repr. of Jacobi-polyn. & some applications |
1968 |
Hannsgen, Kenneth |
0 |
Levin |
An appl. of the Laplace transf. to a lin. Volterra equ. |
1968 |
Hawkins, Thomas W. Jr. |
0 |
Buck & Hiebert |
The origins & early develop. of Lebesque's theory of integr. |
1968 |
Hunter, Kenneth |
0 |
Levy |
Integral orders in algebras |
1968 |
Jaco, William H. |
0 |
McMillan |
Construct. 3-manif. from group homomorphisms |
1968 |
Kantor, William |
0 |
Bruck |
2-transitive symmetric designs |
1968 |
Langston, Stephen |
0 |
Fadell |
Replacmt. & ext. theorems in the theory of Hurewicz fiber sps. |
1968 |
Madell, Robert |
0 |
Holland |
Topological lattice ordered groups |
1968 |
Malkevitch, Joseph |
0 |
Crowe |
Properties of planar graphs w/unif. vertex & face structure |
1968 |
Marsden, Martin |
0 |
Schoenberg |
An identity for spline functions w/ applic. to variation dimin. spline approx. |
1968 |
Mason, William |
0 |
Martin |
Homeomorphic contin. curves in 2-space are isotopic in 3-space |
1968 |
Miles, Joseph |
0 |
Hellerstein |
The asymp. behav. of the counting function for the a/values of a meromorphic function |
1968 |
Morgan, David |
0 |
Osborn |
Jordan algebras with minimum condition |
1968 |
Mullikin, Harry |
0 |
Gudder |
Measure theoretic converg. of observables & operators |
1968 |
Niebur, Douglas |
0 |
Knopp |
Automorphic int. of arbitrary positive dimension & Poincare' series |
1968 |
Patil, Dattatraya J. |
0 |
Young |
Applic. of a lemma by Besicovitch incl. a universal theorem for Banach spaces |
1968 |
Schwartz, Alan |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Local properties of Handel transforms |
1968 |
Slack, Stephen |
0 |
McMillan |
Cellularity in certain 3-manifolds |
1968 |
Smith, Peter |
0 |
Smart |
On the estim. of the Fourier Coeff. of cusp forms for Heche groups |
1968 |
Steinberg, Melvin |
0 |
Fadell |
The homology of config. spaces of acyclic linear graphs |
1968 |
Underwood, Douglas |
0 |
McQuillan (Ohm) |
Ideal theory in non-noetherian rings |
1968 |
Vasavada, Mahavirendra |
0 |
Young |
Closed ideas & lin. isometrics of certain funct. spaces |
1968 |
Wattenberg, Frank |
0 |
Fadell |
Differentiable & topological braids |
1967 |
Cateforis, Vasily |
0 |
Sandomierski |
The maximal quotient ring & the sing. sub-module |
1967 |
Chui, Charles |
0 |
Hellerstein (actually Korevaar) |
Bounded approx. by polyn. w/ restricted zeros |
1967 |
Daverman, Robert |
0 |
Bing |
Locally fenced 2-spheres in S^3 |
1967 |
Easton, Robert |
0 |
Martin & Conley |
On the exist. of invariant sets inside a submanif. convex to a flow |
1967 |
Fisher, Stephen |
0 |
Forelli |
Expposed points in spaces of bound. analytic functions |
1967 |
Fournier, John |
0 |
Forelli (Wainger) |
Ext. of a fourier multipl. theorem of Paley |
1967 |
Garfunkel, Solomon |
0 |
Keisler |
On the undecid. of certain finite theories |
1967 |
Henry, Bruce |
0 |
Chover |
Lp averages & the nonlinear renewal equations |
1967 |
Jones, Stephen |
0 |
Bing |
There exists no upper-semicontinuous (USC) decomp. of E^n into arcs |
1967 |
Kapp, Kenneth |
0 |
Schneider |
Decomp. & congruences on semigroups |
1967 |
Kyrouz, Thomas |
0 |
Martin |
On the structure of spherical fiberings |
1967 |
Lee, Roy |
0 |
Wasow |
Asymp. anal. of solutions of almost diag. systems of ODE at a turning point |
1967 |
Lopez, William |
0 |
Fadell |
On the fixed point theory of finite polyhedra |
1967 |
McCleary, Stephen |
0 |
Holland |
Orbit config. of ordered permutation groups |
1967 |
Mehri, Bahman |
0 |
Wasow |
Simplif. of certain turn. pt. probl. for systems of l.d.e. |
1967 |
Millett, Kenneth |
0 |
Fadell |
The theory of Euclidean bundle pairs: homotopy normal bundles and non-zero sections |
1967 |
Rolfsen, Dale |
0 |
Martin |
Convex metrics & manifolds |
1967 |
Shipp, Dale |
0 |
Bleicher |
The use of sections in the theory of perf. quadr. Forms |
1967 |
Stolarsky, Kenneth |
0 |
Knopp |
Higher partition funct. & their relation to finitely generated nilpotent groups |
1967 |
Thompson, R. B. |
0 |
Fadell |
A unif. approach to local & global fixed pt. indices |
1967 |
White, Warren |
0 |
Martin |
A 2-sphere in E^3 is tame if it's 1-LC through each complem. Domain |
1967 |
Williamson, Jack |
0 |
Hellerstein |
Entire functions w/ neg. zeros & a conject. of R. nevanlinna |
1967 |
Wright, Thomas P. |
0 |
Bing |
On stable homeomorphisms of Euclidean n-space |
1967 |
Yohe, Michael |
0 |
Bing |
Hereditarily infinite dimensional spaces |
1966 |
Atkinson, Kendall |
0 |
Noble |
Ext. of the nystrom meth. for the num. sol. of lin. int. equs. |
1966 |
Bacopoulos, Alex |
0 |
Hammer |
Approx. w/ vector-valued norms in linear spaces |
1966 |
Baxley, John V. |
0 |
Parter |
Asymp. behav. of eigenv. of gen. toeplitz matrices assoc. w/ jacobi polynomials |
1966 |
Berndt, Bruce |
0 |
Smart |
Ident. involve. the coeff. of a class of dirichlet series |
1966 |
Cobb, John |
0 |
Bing |
Locally tame embed. mostly in triv. range of the 2d kind |
1966 |
Craggs, Robert |
0 |
Bing |
Small ambient isotopies of a 3-manif. which transf. one embed. of a polyhedra into another |
1966 |
Dancis, Jerome |
0 |
Bing |
Some nice embed. of k-comp. & k-man. into n-manif. N >= 2k+2 |
1966 |
Davis, Joel |
0 |
Wilcox |
The sol. of non-lin. oper. equs. w/ critical points |
1966 |
Elkins, Judith A. (Molinar) |
1 |
Hellerstein (actually Korevaar) |
Approx. by polyn. w/ restricting zeros |
1966 |
Gastl, George C. |
0 |
Hammer |
Extended top.: uniformities & abstract spaces |
1966 |
Goetschel, Roy |
0 |
Wasow |
Simplif. of certain turning pt. prob. for syst. of order 4 |
1966 |
Goodrick, Richard |
0 |
Roy |
Numerical invariants of knot types |
1966 |
Hathway, Robert |
0 |
Osborn |
On non-commutative non-associative algebras |
1966 |
Hirsch, Peter Max |
0 |
Hammer |
Num. eval. & estim. of multiple integrals |
1966 |
Kessler, Irving J. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
Semi-idempotent measures on abelian groups |
1966 |
Krueger, Warren |
0 |
Husseini |
Some theorems of general. cohomology |
1966 |
Lawver, Donald |
0 |
Osborn |
Left ideal axioms for non-associative rings |
1966 |
McAllister, Byron L. |
0 |
Bing |
A refinement of the whyburn cyclic element theory |
1966 |
Piccinini, Renzo |
0 |
Husseini |
Stable cohomology operations in general. cohomology theories |
1966 |
Raab, Joseph |
0 |
Bleicher |
Some non-jacobian ternary continued fractions |
1966 |
Weissglass, Julian |
0 |
Schneider |
Group rings, semigroup rings & their radicals |
1966 |
Zelmanowitz, Julius M. |
0 |
Levy |
1965 |
Bronikowski, Thomas A. |
0 |
Nohel |
1965 |
Brown, Gerald L. |
0 |
Wilcox |
1965 |
Dunkl, Charles F. |
0 |
W. Rudin |
1965 |
Foote, Stuart A. |
0 |
Bruck |
1965 |
Ganser, Carl C. |
0 |
Askey |
1965 |
Glauberman, George |
0 |
Bruck |
1965 |
Graham, George |
0 |
W. Rudin |
1965 |
Green, Charles |
0 |
Coleman |
1965 |
Hall, James E. |
0 |
Nohel |
1965 |
Hoppensteadt, Frank C. |
0 |
Brauer |
1965 |
Liu, Shih-Chao |
0 |
Kleene |
1965 |
Mattson, Don A. |
0 |
Hammer |
1965 |
Moschovakis, Joan R. |
1 |
Kleene |
1965 |
Mullikin, Albert L. |
0 |
Kennan Smith |
1965 |
Reiter, Allen |
0 |
W. Rudin |
On topological equivalence |
1965 |
Roberts, Arthur W. |
0 |
Buck |
1965 |
Sastry, T.V.S.L.N. |
0 |
Wasow |
1965 |
Weinstein, Joseph M. |
0 |
Keisler |
1965 |
West, Donald C. |
0 |
Fadell |
1965 |
Williams, Francis |
0 |
Husseini |
1964 |
Barnhill, Robert |
0 |
Hammer |
1964 |
Giesy, Daniel |
0 |
Beck |
1964 |
Glaser, Leslie |
0 |
Bing |
1964 |
Hanson, Richard J. |
0 |
Wasow |
1964 |
Henderson, David W |
0 |
Bing |
1964 |
Hessler, Paul |
0 |
Buck |
1964 |
Hosay, Norman |
0 |
Bing |
1964 |
Miller, Richard |
0 |
Nohel |
1964 |
Murtha, James |
0 |
Levy |
1964 |
Price, Thomas |
0 |
Bing |
1964 |
Rider, Daniel |
0 |
W. Rudin |
1964 |
Robinson, Daniel A. |
0 |
Osborn |
1964 |
Rowbottom, Frederick |
0 |
Keisler |
1964 |
Stout, Edgar |
0 |
W. Rudin |
1964 |
Strauss, Aaron |
0 |
Nohel |
1964 |
Todd, Christopher |
0 |
Buck |
1964 |
Vermes, Robert |
0 |
Marden |
1963 |
Bechtell, Homer |
0 |
Bruck |
1963 |
Black, Richard H. |
0 |
Hammer |
1963 |
Brown, Robert |
0 |
Fadell |
1963 |
Carlson, David |
0 |
Schneider |
1963 |
Clarke, Douglas |
0 |
Kleene |
1963 |
Day, James Thomas |
0 |
Hammer |
1963 |
Greenwood, Priscilla |
1 |
Chover |
1963 |
Hanna, Martin |
0 |
Smith |
1963 |
Krause, Eugene |
0 |
Bruck |
1963 |
Lazier, Nora |
1 |
Osborn |
1963 |
Lynch, William |
0 |
Hammer |
1963 |
Moschovakis, Yiannis |
0 |
Kleene |
1963 |
Moursund, David |
0 |
Hammer |
1963 |
Nirschl, Nicholas E |
0 |
Schneider |
1963 |
Paine, Dwight |
0 |
Bruck |
1963 |
Pilgrim, Donald |
0 |
Bruck |
1963 |
Walkup, David William |
0 |
Bruck |
1963 |
Weston, Kenneth |
0 |
Osborn |
1962 |
Casler, Burtis |
0 |
Bing |
1962 |
Gillman, David S. |
0 |
Bing |
1962 |
Hempel, John |
0 |
Bing |
1962 |
Sinkhorn, Richard |
0 |
Buck |
1962 |
Sterling, Daniel |
0 |
Curtis |
1962 |
Thompson, Maynard |
0 |
Korevaar |
1962 |
Tulley, Patricia Ann |
0 |
Fadell |
1962 |
Van Buskirk, James |
0 |
Fadell |
1962 |
Vesley, Richard |
0 |
Kleene |
1962 |
Walter, Gilbert |
0 |
Korevaar |
1961 |
Allaud, Guy Dante |
0 |
Fadell |
1961 |
Bell, Howard Edwin |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1961 |
De Mar, Richard F. |
0 |
Buck |
1961 |
Hetherington, Richard G. |
0 |
Hammer |
1961 |
Lange, John E. |
0 |
Korevaar |
1961 |
McCoy, Thomas L. |
0 |
Korevaar |
1961 |
Schrader, Sister Walter R. |
1 |
Korevaar |
1961 |
Smith, Thomas J. |
0 |
Hammer |
1961 |
Stengle, Gilbert A. |
0 |
Wasow |
1961 |
Struble, George W. |
0 |
Hammer |
1961 |
Tucker, Patricia Ann |
1 |
Curtis |
1960 |
Courter, Richard C. |
0 |
Curtis |
1960 |
McMillan, Daniel Russell Jr. |
0 |
Bing |
1959 |
Hedstrom, Gerald W. |
0 |
Korevaar |
1959 |
Kammerer, William J. |
0 |
Hammer |
1959 |
Kister, James M |
0 |
Bing |
1959 |
Paley, Hiram |
0 |
Curtis |
1959 |
Rishel, Raymond |
0 |
Young |
1959 |
Rosen, Ronald H. |
0 |
Bing |
1959 |
Sokolowsky, Daniel |
0 |
Young |
1959 |
Wright, Charles R. B. |
0 |
Bruck |
1958 |
Axt, Paul |
0 |
Kleene |
1958 |
Brown, Morton |
0 |
Bing |
1958 |
Lehner, Guydo Rene |
0 |
Bing |
1958 |
Meany, Robert K. |
0 |
Korevaar |
1957 |
Miller, Donald W. |
0 |
Bruck |
1957 |
Rebassoo, Herbert J. |
0 |
Hammer |
1957 |
Swokowski, Earl W. |
0 |
Curtis |
1956 |
Goblirsch, Richard P. |
0 |
Bing |
1956 |
Peirce, William H. |
0 |
Hammer |
1955 |
Addison, John West Jr. |
0 |
Kleene |
1955 |
Batho, Edward H. |
0 |
Bruck |
1955 |
Bragg, Louis R. |
0 |
Langer |
1955 |
Braunschweiger, Christian C. |
0 |
Fullerton |
1955 |
Hughes, Daniel R. |
0 |
Bruck |
1955 |
Pearl, Martin Herbert |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1955 |
Spector, Clifford |
0 |
Kleene |
1955 |
Wymore, Albert W. |
0 |
Eberlein |
1954 |
Carlson, Kermit Howard |
0 |
Young |
1954 |
Chandapillai, Anna |
1 |
Langer |
1954 |
Cowell, Wayne R. |
0 |
Bruck |
1954 |
Feller, Edmund H. |
0 |
Curtis |
1954 |
Hess, Adrien Leroy |
0 |
Mayor |
1954 |
Hollingsworth, Jack W. |
0 |
Hammer |
1954 |
Kazarinoff, Nicholas D. |
0 |
Langer |
1954 |
McKelvey, Robert W. |
0 |
Langer |
1954 |
Rubel, Lee Albert |
0 |
Buck |
1954 |
Slaby, Harold Theodore |
0 |
Bruck |
1953 |
Carson, Robert C. |
0 |
Schaeffer |
1953 |
Deskins, Wilbur Eugene |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1953 |
Johnson, Wallace E. |
0 |
Langer (Fullerton) |
1953 |
Ruchte, Marshall F. |
0 |
Buck |
1953 |
San Soucie, Robert Louis |
0 |
Bruck |
1953 |
Sanderson, Donald E. |
0 |
Bing |
1952 |
Buehler, Robert Joseph |
0 |
Buck |
1952 |
Dinnen, Gerald Paul |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1952 |
Rose, Gene Fuerst |
0 |
Kleene |
1952 |
Schurrer, Augusta Louise |
1 |
Marden |
1952 |
Smith, William Norman |
0 |
Langer |
1952 |
Thomas, Garth Hollis M. |
0 |
Bing |
1952 |
Wendt, Arnold |
0 |
Schaeffer |
1951 |
Donoghue, William F. Jr. |
0 |
Eberlein |
1951 |
Fleming, Wendell Helms |
0 |
Young |
1951 |
Fulkerson, Delbert Roy |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1951 |
Henriksen, Melvin |
0 |
Bruck |
1951 |
Kleinfeld, Erwin |
0 |
Bruck |
1951 |
Mitchell, Benjamin Evans |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1951 |
Smith, Kennan Tayler |
0 |
Young |
1950 |
Fuller, Leonard Eugene |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1950 |
Goldhaber, Jacob Kopel |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1950 |
Hachmeister, Violet Grace |
1 |
MacDuffee |
1950 |
Hood, Rodney Taber |
0 |
Langer |
1950 |
Lowney, Robert Edward |
0 |
Langer |
1950 |
Morrison, Donald Ross |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1950 |
Zemmer, Joseph Lawrence |
0 |
Bruck |
1950 |
Ziebur, Allen Douglas |
0 |
Langer |
1949 |
Andree, Richard Vernon |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1949 |
Campbell, Howard Ernest |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1949 |
Cashwell, Edmond Darrell |
0 |
Langer |
1949 |
Cohen, Herman Jacob |
0 |
Bing |
1949 |
Davies, Robert |
0 |
Specht |
1949 |
Engel, Joseph Henry |
0 |
Dehn |
1949 |
Norton, Donald Alan |
0 |
Bruck |
1949 |
Strehler, Allen Frederick |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1948 |
Haltiner, George Joseph |
0 |
Langer |
1948 |
Rechard, Ottis William |
0 |
Reichelderfer |
1948 |
Ryser, Herbert John |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1947 |
Leavitt, William Grenfell |
0 |
Langer |
1947 |
Paige, Lowell J. |
0 |
Bruck |
1947 |
Wiegmann, Norman Arthur |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1947 |
Wilson, Robert Lee |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1947 |
Zilmer, Delbert Edward |
0 |
March |
1946 |
Nelson, Nels David |
0 |
Kleene |
1946 |
Wagner, Raphael Darcel |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1945 |
Good, Richard Albert |
0 |
Bruck |
1943 |
Colvin, Burton Houston |
0 |
Langer |
1943 |
Erickson, Wilhilm Skjelstad |
0 |
Langer |
1943 |
Pell, William Hick |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1942 |
Cronvich, Lester Louis |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1942 |
Kelly, Paul Joseph |
0 |
Langer |
1942 |
Morkovin, Vladimir |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1942 |
Specht, Robert Dickerson |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1942 |
Thurston, Herbert Stanley |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1941 |
Bell, James Henry |
0 |
Ingraham |
1941 |
Crow, Edwin Louis |
0 |
Langer |
1941 |
Johnson, Richard Edward |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1941 |
Lindquist, Clarence Bernhart |
0 |
March |
1940 |
Cole, Randal Hudie |
0 |
Langer |
1940 |
Everett, Cornelius Joseph Jr. |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1940 |
Kiokemeister, Fred |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1940 |
Mitchell, Wilbur Leonard |
0 |
Langer |
1940 |
Newell, Edward Homer Jr. |
0 |
Langer |
1940 |
Stewart, Bonnie Madison |
1 |
MacDuffee |
1940 |
Varino (Varineau), Vernon John |
0 |
Ingraham |
1939 |
Gatewood, Buford Eckols |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1939 |
McDaniel, Wilbur Charles |
0 |
March |
1939 |
Smith, Charles Bassel |
0 |
March |
1939 |
Trimble, Harold Callander |
0 |
Ingraham |
1939 |
Ward, James Audley |
0 |
MacDuffee |
1939 |
Whaples, George William |
0 |
Ingraham |
1938 |
Albert, George Eugene |
0 |
Langer |
1938 |
Bartels, Robert Christian |
0 |
Sokolnikoff |
1937 |
Lester, Caroline Avery |
1 |
MacDuffee |
1936 |
May, Albert E. |
0 |
Ingraham |
1936 |
Taylor, William Clare |
0 |
Langer |
1935 |
Larsen, Harold Daniel |
0 |
Ingraham |
1935 |
Scheffe, Henry |
0 |
Langer |
1935 |
Wolf, Louise Adelaide |
1 |
Ingraham |
1935 |
Wolf, Margarete Caroline |
1 |
Ingraham |
1934 |
Barron, James Joseph |
0 |
Langer |
1934 |
Schwid, Nathan |
0 |
Langer |
1934 |
Shea, Sister Ann Elizabeth |
1 |
Bennet |
1934 |
Trump, Paul Leroy |
0 |
Ingraham |
1934 |
Vass, John Isaac |
0 |
Langer |
1934 |
Wegner, Kenneth W |
0 |
Ingraham |
1933 |
Gunder, Dwight Francis |
0 |
March |
1933 |
Mayor, John Roberts |
0 |
Bennet |
1933 |
Pollard, Harry Strange |
0 |
Ingraham/Dowling |
1933 |
Turrittin, Hugh Lonsdale |
0 |
Langer |
1932 |
Bruton, Gaston Swendell |
0 |
Ingraham |
1932 |
Conwell, Herman Henry |
0 |
Ingraham |
1931 |
Hartung, Maurice Lester |
0 |
Langer |
1931 |
Sokolnikoff, Ivan Stephen |
0 |
March |
1930 |
Bunyan, Leonidas Hamlin |
0 |
Langer |
1930 |
Rechard, Ottis Howard |
0 |
Langer |
1930 |
Stafford, Elizabeth Thatcher |
1 |
Ingraham |
1929 |
Craig, Homer Vincent |
0 |
Taylor |
1929 |
Evans, Herbert Pulse |
0 |
Weaver |
1929 |
Parkinson, George A |
0 |
Dowling/Taylor |
1928 |
Roth, William Edward |
0 |
Dresden |
1927 |
Germond, Hallett Hunt |
0 |
Weaver |
1927 |
Wall, Hubert Stanley |
0 |
Van Vleck |
1926 |
Davis, Harold Thayler |
0 |
Van Vleck |
1923 |
Wood, Frederick |
0 |
March |
1922 |
Cederberg, William Emanuel |
0 |
Schlichter |
1920 |
Fry, Thornton Carle |
0 |
Schlichter |
1916 |
Simpson, Thomas Marshall |
0 |
Van Vleck |
1910 |
Doubler, Francis Todd |
0 |
Van Vleck |
1910 |
Wolff, Henry Charles |
0 |
Schlicter |
1907 |
Allen, Florence Eliza |
1 |
Van Vleck |
1901 |
Pengra, Charlotte Elvira |
1 |
Dowling |
1899 |
Running, Theodore |
0 |
Van Velzer/Dowling |
1897 |
Stecker, Henry Freeman |
0 |
Van Velzer |