This page only contains people who have died after 2007. We realize that this does not cover every faculty member, but lack sufficient staff to track the necessary information to make this more comprehensive.
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Patrick Ahern
at UW from 1966-2006
died in 2023
University of Minnesota, 1963
Research: Analysis
Richard Askey
at UW from 1963-2003
died in 2019
Princeton, 1961
Research: harmonic analysis of special functions, orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and special functions related to group theory.
Anatole Beck
at UW from 1958-2009
died in 2014
Yale University, 1956
Research: Geometry, linear search, flows, academic freedom
Home page:
Georgia Benkart
at UW from 1974 to 2006
died in 2022
Yale University, 1974
Research: Lie algebras, structure of algebras, quantum groups, representation theory and combinatorics
Nigel Boston
at UW from 2002-2019
died in 2024
Harvard University, 1987
Research: algebraic number theory, group theory, arithmetic geometry, computational algebra, coding theory, cryptography, and other applications of algebra to electrical engineering.
Fred Brauer
at UW from 1960-1996
died in 2021
MIT, 1956
Research: mathematical modeling of epidemiological problems and population systems, with emphasis on the dynamical system aspects and approaches.
Josh Chover
at UW from 1956-1993
died in 2020
University of Michigan, 1952
Research: probability theory and stochastic processes
Howard Conner
at UW from 1962-1995
died in 2014
MIT, 1961
Research: linear algebra and matrix theory
In Memoriam: Howard Conner
Donald Crowe
at UW from 1962-1993
died in 2022
University of Michigan, 1959
Research: study of symmetry and patterns in primitive art, ethnomathematics
Ronald "Wayne" Dickey
at UW from 1967-2009
died in 2013
NYU, 1965
Research: Dynamics of Elastic Structures
Ed Fadell
at UW from 1955-1993
died in 2018
Ohio State University, 1952
Research: Algebraic Topology, Fixed Point Theory
In Memoriam: Ed Fadell
Hiroshi Gunji
at UW from 1966-2001
died in 2017
Johns Hopkins, 1962
Research: Number Theory
Remembering Hiroshi Gunji
John Harvey
at UW from 1966-2001
died in 2007
Tulane, 1961
Research: Mathematics and Computer Education
Sufian Husseini
at UW from 1961-2001
died in 2017
Princeton, 1960
Research: algebraic topology, on topics such as loop spaces and configuration spaces
Remembering Sufian Husseini
Arnold Johnson
at UW from 1966-2006
died in 2014
Notre Dame, 1965
Research: Classical Groups
Kenneth Kunen
at UW from 1968-2008
died on 8/14/2020
Stanford, 1968
Research: set theory, automated deduction, topology, measure theory.
In Memoriam: Ken Kunen
Ken Kunen’s web page:
November 2022 AMS Notices Memoriam:
Jacob Levin
at UW from 1963-1997
died March, 2008
M.I.T., 1953
Research: Integral Equations, Ordinary Differential Equations
Larry Levy
at UW from 1961-1999
died in 2014
Research: structure of noetherian modules and related topics.
Phil Miles
at UW from 1960-2000
died November 8, 2011
Yale University, 1960
Research: Curriculum Development
Terry Millar
at UW from 1976-2015
died March 9, 2019
Cornell, 1976
Research: computable model theory
Seymour Parter
at UW from 1963-1996
died in 2022
New York University, 1957
Research: complex analysis (quasi-conformal maps), sparse matrix theory and its connection to graphs, numerical methods for partial differential equations, iterative methods, and preconditioners for numerical solutions of matrix equations
Daniel Rider
at UW 1968-2003, died July 11, 2008
University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1964
Research: Harmonic and Fourier Analysis
Mary Ellen Rudin
at UW from 1959-1991
died on March 18, 2013
University of Texas, 1949
Research: Set-Theoretical Topology
Walter Rudin
at UW from 1959-1991
died on May 20, 2010
Duke University, 1949
Research: Complex and Harmonic Analysis
David Russell
at UW from 1965-1988
died on Oct. 4, 2015
University of Minnesota, 1964
Research: ordinary and partial differential equations, systems theory, elasticity, mathematical modeling, and control theory
Hans Schneider
at UW from 1959-1993
died in 2014
Edinburgh University, 1952
Research: Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis
Mei-Chang Shen
at UW from 1965-1996
died in 2013
Brown University, 1963
Research: Asymptotic Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Louis Solomon
at UW from 1969-2000
died in 2020
Harvard University, 1958
Research: reflection groups, Coxeter groups. descent algebra, hyperplane arrangements
Kay Strangman
Senior Lecturer at UW from 1983-2002
M.A. from Illinois Inst. of Technology, 1966
Taught classes: numerical analysis courses in CS Department, calculus sequence in the Math Department, quantitative reasoning for Math Education students
died in 2016
Michael Voichick
at UW from 1964-1996
died in 2021
Ph.D., Brown University, 1962
Research: function theory
In Memoriam: Michael Voichick – Department of Mathematics – UW–Madison (