Kaltura video upload slowness and some alternatives we can use

As many of you may have noticed, uploading videos with Kaltura is experiencing long processing wait times until they are accessible. This is due to very heavy usage which is putting a strain on those servers. Long videos are especially susceptible to this. I highly suggest using different methods to record your content (see below for a list I have made).

In addition, as we move forward viewing content saved/uploaded directly on Canvas may eventually become congested and slow to access as well. This is not an issue yet, but it might be a good idea that future video content be uploaded to somewhere like Box and then embedded into Canvas. See here how to do that:

*If you do need to use Kaltura to create content, DoIT is recommending that faculty use Kaltura ONLY for recordings that truly require capturing what’s on the screen, and that recordings be very limited in length (5-10 min videos).

Here are some alternate options for creating content:

PowerPoint with audio narration:
If PowerPoint is usually a good format for conveying your materials, this is likely going to be one of the best options moving forward.

Create in Windows:
Create in Mac OS:
**Note is very important that you export/save these as a video as if you upload them as a PowerPoint on Canvas, the audio will not be there. A video will also have pause/rewind/fast-forward anyways.

Nearly everyone with a NetID has the ability to install Office 365 on their Windows/Mac computer via NetID activation. See here for instructions:

Record lecture using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra:
This is a great tool for recording and giving live lectures with screen sharing and webcam/audio capabilities. There are also features such as whiteboards that you can draw on. The built-in record feature allows you to record these lectures in advance and share them recordings with your students later.

Mac screen recording via QuickTime:
You can also use QuickTime to make videos of recording your screen on a Mac

In addition you can also connect an external device like acamera or iPad (to use as a whiteboard) to the Mac while doing this

Windows screen recording:
You can record your screen via the xbox app in Windows 10 or with VLC media player in later versions of Windows

Apple mobile device screen recording (iPad, iPhone):
You can record your screen on iOS using the built in feature (once you enable it)

Android device screen recording:
You can also record your Android devices screen to make a video with various apps including AZ Screen Recorder

DIY Document Camera:
If writing by hand is a big part of the content you need to share and a document camera would be something useful, you can build your own with a smartphone/tablets camera (or another camera of some sort).

Basically you make some sort of stand to keep your device elevated above your paper/document. There are many ways to do this, here are some examples of ways you can do this with materials you have at home.
(but with a regular box)

You can then use the camera to record a video of you speaking while writing on your document.

You can also use this in a live lecture environment (Blackboard Collaborate etc) by logging in with the device and sharing the camera. It is a easy way to be able to answer questions in real time where writing out the answer by hand is preferred.