mathaas |
Applied Algebra Seminar |
to subscribe, email: mathaas+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathaas@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Academic-staff |
This is a custom wisclist of HRS designated Academic Staff. You must either have access granted to post to it, or you must be an academic staff member. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
math-acad-staff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Applied and Computational Math |
to subscribe, email: acms+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
acms@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Ags |
Algebraic Geometry Seminar and Reading List Serve |
to subscribe, email: ags+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
ags@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
AMEP-Announce |
This is a custom wisclist of students registered as participants in the AMEP program. You must be granted access to post to it or be registered as an AMEP student |
You should be subscribed based on your major status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
amep-announce@g-groups.wisc.edu |
A |
Analysis |
UW Math Analysis group |
to subscribe, email: analysis+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
analysis@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Asstprof |
This is a custom wisclist for HRS designated Assistant Professors. You must be granted access to post to it or be in HRS as an Assistant Professor |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
math-asst-prof@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Combsem |
UW Combinatorics seminar |
to subscribe, email: combsem+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
combsem@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Emeriti |
Math department emeriti. This list is manually maintained. |
to subscribe, email: mathemeriti+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathemeriti@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Faculty |
This is an manual list of all the full profs, assoc profs, assistant profs, instructional academic-staff and postdocs in the Math Department. |
to subscribe, email: mathfaculty+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathfaculty@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Fullprof |
This is a custom wisclist for all persons currently in HRS with a title of Full Professor.You must be granted access or a full professor in order to send to this list. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
full_profs@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Gags |
Grad Student Algebraic Geometry |
to subscribe, email: gags+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
gags@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Grad |
This is a custom wisclist for all graduate students listed as students in the Math Department. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. Please note: this list varies during the course of the year If a student has not signed up for fall classes, they will not show up on this list during the summer. A more comprehensive list can be used at math-grad-students@g-groups.wisc.edu. |
math-graduate@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Grad-chat |
Chat for graduate students.This is manually maintained and self-subscribed. |
to subscribe, email: grad-chat+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
grad-chat@g-groups.wisc.edu |
G |
Grad_number_theory |
This is a list for the Math Graduate Number Theory Seminar. |
to subscribe, email: grad_number_theory+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
grad_number_theory@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Graduate |
This is a custom wisclist for all graduate students listed as students in the Math Department. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. Please note: this list varies during the course of the year If a student has not signed up for fall classes, they will not show up on this list during the summer. A more comprehensive list can be used at math-grad-students@g-groups.wisc.edu. |
math-graduate@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
gt |
Geometry and Topology Seminar |
to subscribe, email: mathgt+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathgt@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Math-chat |
Math department chat is a manually maintained/self-subscribed list of people in the math department who have chosen to receive off-topic or continuing discussion about announcements. New accounts are automatically registered in this list. |
to subscribe, email: math-chat+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-chat@g-groups.wisc.edu |
G |
Math-circle |
Math Circle (outreach) is the outgoing email to any person interested in the math circle program. |
to subscribe, email: mathcircle+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathcircle@g-groups.wisc.edu |
O |
Mathcircleorganizers |
This list is for the organization of the math circle meetings. Subscription is limited to members of the organizing group. All postings are moderated. |
Subscriptions to this group are done manually. |
mathcircleorganizers@g-groups.wisc.edu |
O |
math-dept |
This is a custom wisclist that contains anyone who has an HRS appointment in our department. This will only allow people within the department or anyone granted access to send to it. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
math-dept@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
math_dept_ta |
This is a custom wisclist for any graduate student in any department currently employed as a TA or LTTA. You have to be granted access to post things to this list. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
math_dept_ta@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mathlttas |
This is a list intended for any LTTAs teaching in our department. |
LTTAs will be subscribed by a list administrator. |
mathlttas@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mathtutors |
This is a wisclist for notifying anyone interested in tutor work of opportunities. Only two people on staff may post to this list. Registration to this list is limited to people approved to tutor in our department and is managed independent of this interface. |
to subscribe, email: mathtutors+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathtutors@g-groups.wisc.edu |
A |
nts |
Number Theory Seminar |
to subscribe, email: mathnts+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathnts@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Pdega |
PDE and Geometric Analysis Seminar |
to subscribe, email: mathpdega+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathpdega@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
Postdoc |
Math department postdocs. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
mathpostdoc@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Putnam Club |
Putnam Club |
to subscribe, email: putnam-club+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
putnam-club@g-groups.wisc.edu |
O |
Support-staff |
Math department support staff. This is a list of the 2nd floor staff as well as the IT staff. It is manually maintained and used for notifications of absences, vacations and announcements to that group. You must be a member of that list to send to it. |
to subscribe, email: math-support-staff+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-support-staff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Talentsearch |
This list is intended as a mechanism to disperse information to students and teachers participating in the Talentsearch program. |
to subscribe, email: uwtalentsearch+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
uwtalentsearch@g-groups.wisc.edu |
O |
tenurefac |
Associate and Full professors. This is a manually maintained list. execcomm@math.wisc.edu is an alias to this list. |
to subscribe, email: math_tenure_fac+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math_tenure_fac@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
Uwlogic |
This is a list for the Southern Wisconsin Logic Colloquium Seminar. |
to subscribe, email: uwlogic+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
uwlogic@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
uw_fluid_dynamics |
This is a wisclist for UW fluid dynamics announcements. |
to subscribe, email: uw_fluid_dynamics+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
uw_fluid_dynamics@g-group.wisc.edu |
S |
GmMaW |
Gender Minorities in Math at UW. |
to subscribe, email: gmmaw+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
gmmaw@g-groups.wisc.edu |
O |
mathmajors |
this is a list of all declared math majors. All faculty are added and able to email this list. |
You should be subscribed based on your major status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included. |
mathmajors@g-groups.wisc.edu |
A |
probsem |
Probability Seminar |
to subscribe, email: probsem+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
probsem@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
singularities |
This is a list for the Singularities Seminar in the Math Department |
to subscribe, email: singularities+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
singularities@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
math-new-faculty-staff |
This is a list of new math faculty and staff, renewed every September and January |
to subscribe, email math-new-faculty-staff+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-new-faculty-staff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
grad_prob_seminar |
This is a list of people interested in the Graduate Probability Seminar |
to subscribe, email grad_prob_seminar+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
grad_prob_seminar@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
weekly-math-sem |
This is a list to distribute a weekly seminar list |
to subscribe, email weekly-math-sem+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.ed |
weekly-math-sem@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
mathcolloquium |
This is a list to inform all persons affiliated with the math department about colloquiums. |
this is handled automatically based on your affiiliation with the math department |
mathcolloquium@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
math-ttfaculty |
This is a list of all faculty, tenure track and tenured |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please email nagreen@math.wisc.edu if you are not included on this list. |
math-ttfaculty@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
visp-ma |
This is a list for the VISP-MA Cohort in the Department of Math |
to subscribe, email visp-ma+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
visp-ma@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
siam-chapter |
this is a list for the SIAM Chapter Seminar |
to subscribe, email siam-chapter+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
siam-chapter@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
vispma_committee |
this is a list for the VISP-MA program |
people involved are subscribed by administrator |
vispma_committee@g-groups.wisc.edu |
C |
mathlibreno |
this is a list for the Math Library Renovation Committee |
to subscribe, email mathlibreno+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
mathlibreno@g-groups.wisc.edu |
C |
grad-logic-sem |
this is a list for the graduate logic seminar |
to subscribe, email grad-logic-sem+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
grad-logic-sem@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
math-faculty-and-staff |
This is a custom wisclist that contains anyone who has an HRS appointment in our department. This will only allow people within the department or anyone granted access to send to it. |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please contact Sara Nagreen if you feel you have not been included |
math-faculty-and-staff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
lunchwithprobsemspeaker |
This is a list of people who want to be included on the announcements about lunch with the probsem speaker |
to subscribe, email lunchwithprobsemspeaker+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
lunchwithprobsemspeaker@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
math-algebra-caucus |
This is a list of people who are part of the Math Algebra Caucus |
to subscribe, email math-algebra-caucus+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-algebra-caucus@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mathitstaff |
This is a list of the mathitstaff in the department. |
to subscribe, email nagreen@math.wisc.edu |
mathitstaff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mathlearningcenter |
This is a list of the Math Learning Center Staff. |
to subscribe, email friedman28@wisc.edu |
mathlearningcenter@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
megamathmeet |
This is a list of students who organize the Mega Math Meet |
to subscribe, email nagreen@math.wisc.edu |
megamathmeet@g-groups.wisc.edu |
C |
math-perm-acad-staff |
Permanent Academic Staff members in the department |
to subscribe, ask Sara Nagreen to add you. You must have a recurring Academic Staff appointment to join. |
math-perm-acad-staff@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
math-geom-reading |
This is the geometry reading list |
to subscribe, email math-geom-reading+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-geom-reading@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |
math-hpc |
this is a list for announcing information to people who use our HPC servers |
to subscribe, email math-hpc+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
math-hpc@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mathfrontdesk |
This is a list of students who work at the front desk, with support staff added so they can send work to the front desk |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mathfrontdesk@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
2023-new-math |
list of new faculty, staff and students for 2023 |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
2023-new-math@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
math-lsas |
this is a list of people serving as LSAs for Math 96 and 112 |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
math-lsas@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-all |
all people associated with the Math Learning Center |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-all@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-admin |
used for managing mathtutor lists to mathtutors lists |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-admin@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-course-assistants |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center course assistants |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-course-assistants@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-dropin-tutors |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center dropin tutors |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-dropin-tutors@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-dropin-tutors-precalc |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center dropin tutors for precalc classes |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-dropin-tutors-precalc@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-front-desk |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center front desk students |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-front-desk@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-peer-mentors |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center peer mentors |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-peer-mentors@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
mlc-proof-table |
used for communications with the Math Learning Center proof table |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
mlc-proof-table@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
math-ma |
math masters students |
manually updated as needed, please ask to be added as need be. |
math-ma@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
math-dept-undergrads |
undergrads who work for the Math Department in any contexgt |
You should be subscribed based on your HR status. Please email nagreen@math.wisc.edu if you are not included on this list. |
math-dept-undergrads@g-groups.wisc.edu |
P |
gaps |
Graduate Analysis and PDEs Seminar (GAPS) |
to subscribe, email gaps+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu |
gaps@g-groups.wisc.edu |
S |