Math Alliance

What is the math alliance?

The Math Alliance is one of the most successful national organizations aimed at identifying and supporting a diverse talent pool for participation in advanced mathematical sciences. In particular, the Alliance aims to increase the numbers of Master’s and PhD degrees earned in the mathematical sciences by students from underrepresented groups. To achieve that goal, they are building a national community of educators to promote educational opportunities for underserved and underrepresented students with a talent for the mathematical sciences.

Faculty and staff serve as Math Alliance mentors, committed to helping undergraduate students find their way through academic processes. Students participate as Math Alliance Scholars, working with their mentors to achieve their academic goals.  Scholars also have the opportunity to participate in Math Alliance Summer REUs and the annual Field of Dreams Conference, which gives students access to information about a variety of graduate programs in the mathematical and statistical sciences at Math Alliance schools as well as professional opportunities in these fields. Some undergraduate seniors and master students will be eligible to participate in the  Facilitated Graduate Applications Process (F-GAP) program that provides them with  further assistance to apply to graduate programs.

What is our goal for the math alliance here at the UW?

The UW-Madison Math Department is committed to provide support for students with diverse backgrounds. The Department is currently a Gold Member of the Alliance, with about 15 faculty and staff Alliance mentors.  Towards strengthening and growing our collaboration with the Math Alliance, members of the Math Department have joined forces with advisors from the UW-Madison Center for Academic Excellence.  We are expanding our recruitment of Math Alliance Scholars to help more students envision a future as a mathematician or statistician.We would like to reach out to all eligible students who may benefit from this program and encourage them to become Math Alliance Scholars.

Information for Students and Advisors:

If you are interested in becoming a scholar:

  1. Check that you meet the eligibility criteria at:

  2. UW-Madison Scholars are nominated by UW-Madison Math Alliance Mentors. Please visit the list of UW-Madison Math Alliance mentors to choose some potential mentors.

  3. Then fill out this short form:

Math Alliance Contact Us

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General information about the Math Alliance can be found at their website:

The list of UW-Madison Math Alliance Mentors is here:

Read more about the benefits of becoming a Math Alliance Scholar:

and the Facilitated Graduate Application Process:

Who to contact to get more information?

For questions, please contact