Within the mathematics major (including all named options) and the mathematics certificate, there are three course groups from which a student may count at most one class. These are:
- Introduction to Linear Algebra (MATH 320, 340, 341, 375)
- Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH 319, 320, 376)
- Introduction to Probability (MATH 309, 331, 431)
If you have a question that is not answered here, you may email the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Mitch Keller.
I have credit for MATH 319
If you already have credit for MATH 319, then you should not take MATH 320 or MATH 376.
- If you want linear algebra content, we recommend MATH 340 or MATH 341.
- You will want MATH 341 if you need an introduction to writing formal proofs as required in the mathematics major, but otherwise MATH 340 is a good choice.
- If you want more content in differential equations, consider MATH 415 or MATH 519. MATH 320 will cover fewer topics in differential equations that what you learned in MATH 319.
I have credit for MATH 320
MATH 320 provided you with an introduction to both linear algebra and differential equations. Thus, you should not take MATH 319, 340, 341, 375, or 376.
- If you want to learn more linear algebra, consider MATH 443.
- If you want to learn more differential equations, consider MATH 415 or 519.
- If you want to to prepare for proof-based mathematics coursework, take MATH 421.
The Applied Mathematical Analysis sequence (MATH 321-322) is a nice follow-up to MATH 320. MATH 322 includes additional topics in differential equations.
I have credit for MATH 340
MATH 340 is a comprehensive course in linear algebra. Thus, you should not take MATH 320, 341, or 375.
- If you would like to learn differential equations, take MATH 319.
- If you need to satisfy the proofs prerequisite for more advanced mathematics courses, take MATH 421 or MATH 467.
- If you would like to learn more linear algebra, consider MATH 443.
I have credit for MATH 309 or MATH 431
The mathematics and statistics departments consider STAT/MATH 309 and MATH/STAT 431 interchangeable, so no student should take both.
If you would like a more theoretical course in probability, consider MATH 531. For a follow-up course to your introduction to probability, consider STAT/MATH 310, which connects concepts from probability to statistical inference, or MATH 632, which studies probability in settings where there is a time component.
I have credit for MATH 375 and/or 376
MATH 375-376 covers, from the Math Department’s perspective, the content of MATH 234, 319, and 341. If you have completed or are taking this sequence, you should not take MATH 234, 319, 320, 340, or 341. If you have completed MATH 375 and want an additional math class to take alongside MATH 376, you might consider MATH 443, which covers additional linear algebra, or MATH 475, which provides an introduction to combinatorics.
I am enrolled in more than one of these classes
If you want to take more than one of these classes (other than MATH 375/376, which is addressed above), here are some recommendations:
- MATH 319 and MATH 340 introduce both differential equations and linear algebra. This is preferred to taking MATH 319 and MATH 320 or taking MATH 320 and MATH 340.
- MATH 319 and MATH 341 introduce differential equations, linear algebra, and writing formal mathematical proofs. If you are interested in taking more advanced (500-level and above) mathematics courses, this could be a good option.
- MATH 320 and MATH 421 would be another combination to learn differential equations, linear algebra, and writing formal mathematical proofs.