Enrollment Information
Students wishing to enroll in a WES section of calculus should have an interest in math and its applications and be willing to work with other students on some of the challenging problems the course presents. Students must be authorized to register for the WES section.
A WES discussion section is generally more diverse than a regular section, and students work in small groups on challenging problems designed to foster high levels of understanding and interest.
- All students should first review what WES-Calculus “is” and “isn’t”, as well as the student expectations, here.
- Fill out the WES Enrollment Form.
- If you are approved to enroll in WES-Calculus, you must co-enroll in the appropriate calculus section along with the associated MATH 228 (WES supplement) section. The courses and associated section numbers are detailed here. The appropriate pair of MATH 221/222/234 and MATH 228 should be added to the registration cart at the same time. Students must enroll in both courses at the same time, otherwise enrollment will fail.
- If you are currently enrolled in a section of MATH 221/222/234, you cannot swap sections to the pair of WES-Calculus MATH 221/222/234 and corresponding MATH 228 section. You must first drop the section of the math course you’re enrolled in at the moment, and then co-enroll in the WES-Calculus sections of MATH 221/222/234 and MATH 228.